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Kiranime Pro

Kiranime Pro 3.5.28 NULLED


Version 3.5.28:
- Fixed: Featured anime top airing section query.
- Fixed: Advanced search query result.
- Fixed: Character editor input.
- Fixed: Comment reply not working.
- Changed: Comment reply now include the replied to user's name.
- Changed: Comments styling.
- Changed: Featured [completed] is now using the "completed slug" options [kira tools -> query]
Version 3.5.25:
- Fixed: reports viewer max page
- Fixed: advanced search cannot use only season/year
- Fixed: Tooltip not load after search
- Fixed: advanced search pagination
- Fixed: advanced search query fetching.
- Changed: Use like rather than regex for search.
- Removed: trending slider navigation button
- Removed: magnifying glass search.
- Changed: Now trending will be autoplayed.
- Added: Option to only allow logged in user to report problem [kira tools -> sites -> Loggedin Report]. default true.
- Tested for PHP 8.4
Version 3.5.18:
- Fixed: Episodes query not working properly.
- Changed: some small translation error.