Version 2.0.0 – 2 January 2025
fixed - location based cuisine page not loading in device
fixed - fixed add to cart if has different instructions
fixed - Points balance in POS
fixed - issue with cache menu in backffice
fixed - menu time opening hours format if same day has more opening hours
fixed - profile when changing country code it does not ask for OTP
fixed - opening hours in front end if time opening has multiple opening
fixed - edit location based address
fixed - address of customer in panel to use location based or address based
fixed - issue in cuisine page if all merchant is pickup only
fixed - merchant registration show only if merchant registration is enabled in backoffice
fixed - offers to filter days
fixed - fixed commission when modifying orders
fixed - Sales overview chart when using pr_br language
update - PHP 8 support, stable in PHP 8.2
update - driver time allowed to accept or decline order to minutes instead of seconds
update - add Aparment, suite or floor in the address
update - voucher and offers add maximum cap discount
update - add delete addons
update - merchant panel food item list change edit button to a link to open items at a time
update - driver reviews list/update review
update - admin/merchant earnings computation
update - cuisine in home page as slider with image
update - order list to hide deleted orders
update - cash change make it as text and not required
update - remove method of calculation to use standard commission
update - mercadopago payment api
update - library dompdf,sendgrid,mailjet,twilio,nexmo
update - firebase push to priority to high
update - track order marker
new - add auto default COD payment after registration of merchant
new - custom fields for customer registration / admin panel -> site config -> custom fields
new - send order via whats app api / admin panel -> third party -> whatsapp confi
new - add audio in live chat
new - customer can chat driver
new - food preparation time / merchant panel -> food item
new - add delivery estimation for customer to know when order will arrive
new - track driver in real time
new - add banner in search results depends on the locations
new - auto print for thermal printer addon
new - add Default Auto Print Status
new - add restaurant Holiday Schedule / merchant panel -> merchant -> settings -> store hours
new - location base address add get current location
new - Pause Item and resume certain time frame / merchant -> food -> item availability
new - add manage order for admin to change status manually / admin panel -> order view
new - issue full/partial refund for completed orders / admin panel -> order view
new - delete order only for admin / admin panel -> order view
new - add age verifications in menu page / merchant panel -> merchant -> settings -> Enabled Age Verification Popup
new - feature items that will show in home page / admin panel -> marketing -> feature items
new - suggested items that merchant best food items that will show in home page / merchant panel -> compaign -> suggested items
new - suggested items to be approved by admin / admin panel -> marketing -> Suggested items
new - customer can cancel order if merchant does not accept the order