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JCH Optimize Pro

JCH Optimize Pro 9.0.2

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Reactions: tatar221 and zafro

What's new​

Several improvements and bug fixes since the last stable release. Please see CHANGELOG for details.

Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.1.12 and Joomla! 3.10.11|4.2.4


Bug fixes​

  • [LOW] Fixed PHP deprecation error in lib/core/Helper.php.
  • [MEDIUM] Images in elements were not converted to WEBP
  • [MEDIUM] Preloaded files were not loaded over CDN

Miscellaneous changes​

  • Improved compatibility with Mightsites component.
  • Optimize Images tab using modals for improved aesthetics.

Release notes​

What's new​

Several bug fixes and improvements. Please see CHANGELOG for details.

Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.1.9 and Joomla! 3.10.11|4.2.0


New features​

  • Added setting to exclude components in Page Cache.

Bug fixes​

  • [HIGH] Fixed conflict with Cache Cleaner causing settings not to be saved in component.
  • [LOW] CDN feature broke processing same images used multiple times in srcset.
  • [LOW] Optimize Image didn't work with file paths that include spaces.
  • [MEDIUM] Fix resizing images not working with Manual Option on some servers.
  • [MEDIUM] Google fonts that were imported in CSS files weren't being optimized and loaded.

Release notes​

What's new​

The previous release contained some changes in the codes we used in the .htaccess files to leverage browser caching, and it was causing 500 Internal Server errors on sites running older versions of Apache. Some statements contained a space at the end which worked ok with all our dev servers and the sites we tested on, so we didn't detect an issue before release. This release corrects that, please update if you were affected by this issue.

Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.1.7 and Joomla! 3.10.9|4.1.4


Critical bugs and important changes​

  • Fix issue with .htaccess codes causing 500 errors on older versions of Apache
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Reactions: tatar221