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PRO A new Custom Query option is available in the Editor Profiles -> Setup tab to assign or restrict a profile based on $_REQUEST variables passed in the active component, eg: view=article or id=4.
Added a new CleanUp Mode parameter to the Clipboard plugin that simplifies configuration of the Paste tool.
Added a Classes option to the Image Manager Basic Dialog.
PRO Moved all Pro files and plugins to the System - JCE Pro plugin.
Merged all content.css files from various plugins into the editor theme content.css file.
Replaced parameters in Clipboard and Style Select plugins with a simplified set in JCE Core. JCE Pro includes the full original parameter set.Removed support for legacy media types, eg: wmv, rm etc.
Media will always be embedded using the conventional method based on the media type. For example using an <object> tag to embed an mp4 will be converted to a <video> tag.
The JCE Media Field in JCE Core is now a simplified version with image and link support only. Full support and Joomla Media conversion is available in JCE Pro.
The sandbox attribute will be added to all iframes, except those used to display external media from trusted providers, eg: Youtube, Vimeo etc.
PRO A Thumbnail Editor parameter option was missing from the File Browser parameters.
PRO Columns tools remained disabled when clicking into a Column field that contained a div.
Fixed selection and creating links on <span> tags that are used as font icon tags.
Boolean attributes - autoplay, loop, mute etc. will now be processed to attributes without values, eg: <video src="/video.mp4" autoplay>
Content that contained multiple script tags would render incorrectly in the Preview tab.
Added a workaround to fix modal display issues for some items in the Joomla button menu item list due to changes in Joomla 5
The MediaBox configuration page would show a PHP error when the Behaviour - Backward Compatibility was unpublished.
JCE Media Field images would not display correctly in media overrides or dynamic content when saved using the new Description field. If the Description field is left empty, the value will now be saved as a single string value as before.
JCE Media Field images previously created with the Extended Media option disabled would always display as links.
PRO Added Text Editor support for css, scss, less, js and ts files.
Added "Phase 1" of Dark Mode support to the JCE Admin (excluding the File Browser and Editor layout)
Removed the middot character from non-breaking space Visual Characters representation to avoid selection confusion and improve backspace delete responsiveness.
PRO Columns parameters set in Editor Profiles would not be applied.
PRO Adding a custom value to the Classes list in the Columns dialog would not correctly apply it and reset the filtered list.
PRO Internal Columns classes were incorrectly added to the Styles list.
Editor would fail to load if the Joomla core.js script file was loaded after the JCE Editor scripts.
Installed plugins, eg: ChatGPT would give an Invalid Plugin error when opening or sending requests.
Creating a list on a multi-line selection would wrap all content in the list when Container & Enter Key was set to None:Linebreak.
Fixed deprecated "Joomla.editors" script errors in Joomla 5.
Some editor-xtd buttons eg: Regularlabs ContentTemplater, would not operate correctly when the Joomla button was added to the editor toolbar.
Fixed a PHP "ListField" error when saving an Editor Profile in Joomla 3.
Media elements (audio, video, object) would be removed if the Media Manager was not added to the editor toolbar.
Media elements with non-local url values would not be removed if the associated media element parameter in Editor Profiles -> Plugin Parameters -> Media Support was set to Local Content Only.