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PRO Added an option on the File Browser parameters to remove the Select button in a JCE Media Field. The button is enabled by default.
PRO Added an option to set the Line Height for the Code Editor in the Code Editor parameters.
PRO Added support for Tables and Docusaurus style Admonitions to the PHP Markdown parser, when inserting markdown content using the Template Manager or drag & drop of a markdown file.
PRO Columns would generate an error when the content contained unsupported Bootstrap row classes.
PRO Fix The Format HTML option was not being applied if set in the Code Editor parameters.
PRO When creating a new template in the Template Manager, the Code Editor would generate a javascript error the editor area could not be accessed.
PRO Attempting to edit an existing media item - video, Youtube etc. - using the Media Manager would fail populate the input fields with the correct values.
Legacy Permitted File Extension values would save incorrectly when the values were updated.
Width and Height values were not added to the url of images uploaded with the upload button in the JCE Media Field.
Processing {shortcode} was generating additional paragraphs above and below the Shortcode block.
Pressing enter when the cursor is at the end of a non-editable object, eg: a Code Sample block, would produce an error and delete the next block element.
Inserting a Youtube video with the Enhanced Privacy option enabled, ie: using, would wrongly add the sandbox attribute to the iframe, resulting in the video not displaying.
Basic Dialog Support for Tables, IFrames, File Manager, and Image Manager Extended on small devices (e.g., phones). This provides a more streamlined, mobile-friendly experience, previously only available for Image Manager, Media Manager, and Link dialogs.
Strict Media Embeds Option for the Media plugin to control how media items are embedded (e.g., <video> for video files, <iframe> for YouTube). This option was previously enabled by default but is now configurable. It is recommended to keep it enabled for security reasons to ensure proper media embedding.
Unordered List Options Dialog for easier customization of unordered lists.
Classes and Type Options added to Ordered List and Unordered List dialogs for more control over list styling.
Paste Media URL as Link: Using CTRL + SHIFT + V (CMD + SHIFT + V on macOS) to paste a media URL (e.g., YouTube) will now paste the URL as a link, rather than embedding the media.
Permitted File Extensions UI: Improved the UI for creating and removing permitted file extensions. Custom extensions now remain editable via an input field, and a trash icon is available for removing them.
Dialogs on Small Devices: For small mobile devices (e.g., iPhone), dialogs such as Tables, Image Manager, Link, Image Manager Extended, Media Manager, IFrames, and Template Manager will now use a simpler Basic Dialog automatically.
PRO Columns Layout 1-3-1: Fixed issue where this layout was not processed correctly when saving or switching to/from the Code tab.
PRO Image Manager Extended: Fixed issue where selecting an image with the Popup Type option enabled would not automatically fill the URL field in the Popup tab.
URL Sync: Resolved issue where URL Sync would not work with the core Image Manager.
Figure Selection: CTRL + Click now correctly selects the entire <figure> element, including its contents.
Cut/Copy Functionality for Figures: CTRL + C and CTRL + X now copy or cut the entire figure element, including the image inside it.
PRO Cursor Position in Code Editor: Fixed issue where the cursor position at the end of the current line in the editor was not updated correctly when switching between the editor and Code tab.
Width and Height in Popup Tab: Fixed issue where changing the existing Width and Height values in the Popup tab for dialogs like Link, Image Manager Extended, etc. would have no effect.
Refocus Option: Fixed the refocus option (experimental) to restore the cursor position after saving articles when enabled by setting a Custom Configuration Variable with a Key of "refocus" and Value of "true".
YouTube URL Processing: Fixed issue with YouTube URLs not being processed correctly when inserting a video, leading to JavaScript errors.
Mastodon URLs: Fixed issue where links containing the @ symbol (e.g., Mastodon URLs) were not being inserted as links.
PRO Media Manager URL Processing: Fixed issue where Media Manager URL values would incorrectly remove query parameters, preventing proper processing of YouTube URLs.
PRO Added support hidden input types in Template Manager variables, eg: ${Extension:hidden} will hide the input field by still apply a passed in value to the template for processing. This can be used with the ${URL:image} variable for selecting a file and using a property of that file without exposing it for editing.
PRO Added new Columns layouts : 2-2-1, 2-1-2 and 1-2-2
PRO Added support for size, date, filename and extension variable values passed from the File Browser when using a media type in a Template Manager variable, eg: ${URL:image}
The Paste and Paste as Plain Text buttons (in the editor toolbar and context menu) can now perform a single paste of editor content that has been copied to the clipboard using shortcut keys or the Cut and Copy buttons.
PRO Video and audio urls that conatined a query string, eg: video.mp4?id=2, would incorrectly be assigned to iframes instead of an <video> or <audio> tag.
PRO Saving any text file in the Text Editor would always result in an "Invalid Text File" error.
Retain <br> elements in content in Custom XML Code Blocks
Pressing Enter in a Code Block would create a paragraph instead of a linebreak.
Parameters set for the Fields - Media JCE plugin would override parameters set for individual fields.
Changes in the Code Editor tab would not be saved in SP PageBuilder 3.8.10 unless you switched back to the Editor tab.
Enabling Allow Root Access would overwrite any value set in the File Directory Path, when it should only be applied if the File Directory Path was empty.
Removed the flag from content in the Preview tab.
Pass default variable values to editor onDisplay method as a workaround for a bug in the AcyMailing extension that triggers an unrelated onDisplay event when an editor is initialized.
The wrong profile would be used for the File Browser in some nultiple profile configurations.
Disabled JCE Media Field input and buttons when the user profile does not allow Media Fields, or if the File Browser is not enabled.
Custom Classes in Editor Profiles → Plugin Parameters → Style Select now support element selectors for each class, e.g., p.some_class. This will apply the class to the element only.
Reintroduced the Content - JCE plugin to trigger Media Field conversion in some 3rd party extensions.
Removed only invalid ID characters from the editor textarea ID, rather than all non-alphanumeric characters, which caused an issue when saving in some extensions, e.g., EasySocial.
Ensured the editor header is always created during each editor initialization, including dynamically created and re-ordered editors.
Resolved an issue where JCE Media Field download links would incorrectly trigger a save of the file using the full file path as the saved file name instead of just the file name.
Fixed the inability to re-order editors in a Subform field.
Corrected the issue where the Content - JCE plugin was not being enabled upon installation.
PRO Fixed an issue where inserting an HTML file using the Template Manager would incorrectly include the <head> content.
PRO Added support for negated values in the Custom Query option, eg: !8 will match values that are not 8
PRO Added support for dynamic catid (Category ID) values in the Custom Query option
PRO Added an Alternate Editor option in the Global Configuration to specify an alternative editor to load if no Editor Profiles maatches the editing environment.
Added a Display Type parameter - Link or Embed - for JCE Media Fields when creating a field that is not an "Extended Media" type.
Added more Iframe sandbox exclusions for some common media providers, eg: Google Maps, Codepen, Giphy, Apple Music.
Removed redundant Content - JCE plugin.
PRO Search & Replace in the Code Editor would replace matches with a blank space if Match Case and Whole Word options were enabled.
PRO Resize in the Image Editor must always be proportional.
A change in Joomla 5.1 resulted in repeatable field items in JCE Editor Profiles showing the value of the first field item rather than their own saved value.
Creating a Markdown link would break the link if it was an absolute type.
Language files for JCE Pro System plugin were not correctly installed.
Added a workaround for the editor not loading in Balbooa Gridbox.
Fix "Unknown column 'custom' in 'field list'" install error in Joomla 3.
Fix some layout issues in Yootheme WidgetKit
JCE would not load in Virtuemart in Joomla 3
JCE would not load in AcyMailing in some instances
Added onWfFileSystemBeforeGetPathVariables event to allow for manipulation of File Directory Path variable source values, eg: $usertype in a system plugin.
PRO Pro Plugins would not load or function correctly if the Compress CSS and/or Compress Javascript options were enabled.
PRO JCE Plugins (ChatGPT, FontAwesome etc.) would not update from the Joomla Updater if the Subscription Key was not set in the JCE Options page (Joomla 3.x legacy method)
PRO Resize parameters would show duplicates after making changes in JCE Pro 2.9.70 to 2.9.72
PRO Code Editor would use RTL mode if enabled in the editor.
PRO Various parameter options that used a File Browser would not work correctly.
PRO Some repeatable parameters would not update or set parameter values correctly.
PRO The Code Editor display was truncated when in Fullscreen mode.
PRO The Filesystem parameters form was being processed multiple times resulting in repeated form fields.
JCE Media Field items that included a Caption would not be displayed.