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Jannah – Newspaper Magazine News BuddyPress AMP

Jannah – Newspaper Magazine News BuddyPress AMP 7.4.1 NULLED

= 7.4.1 - 2025-01-15 =
- Updated: TieLabs Instagram Feed plugin.
- Improved: Migration process of the old video playlists to the new WM Video Playlists plugin.
- And Improvements and minor bug fixes.
= 7.3.4 - 2024-10-30 =
- Fixed: Block's custom color bug in the page builder.
- Fixed: Numbered and bulleted lists are not showing in the post page.
- Fixed: PHP Warning notices.
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.
= 7.2.0 - 2024-04-22 =
- New: Compatibility With WordPress 6.5.x.
- New: Compatibility With WooCommerce 8.8.x.
- New: Compatibility With BuddyPress 12.0.0.
- New: Ascending and Descending order option in the Posts List Widget.
- New: Limit Published days option in the Posts List Widget.
- New: Vimeo Option in the author social networks.
- New: Added site Primary color to the Color Palette in the Gutenberg Block Editor.
- New: Add support for the Offset, Order and Limit Published Days options in the Block #8.
- New BuddyPress options to manage the sidebar in the Groups, Members, Activity and Registration pages.
- Improved: RTL elements styles.
- Improved: Translations section in the theme options page.
- Fixed: Main Navigation border bottom bug if the Secondary Nav is above the header.
- Fixed: Compatibility issue with some WordPress Markdown plugins.
- Fixed: Exclude posts option bug in the blocks if the Don’t duplicate posts option is active.
- Fixed: Links do not have a discernible name for the Next and Previous posts section in the article pages.
- Bump WordPress tested up to version to 6.5
- And Improvements and minor bug fixes.
= 7.1.1 - 2024-02-13 =
- Fix: Woocomerce product gallery bug.
- Fix: Exclude categories bug in the Categories Grid Widget.
- Improved: API Error handling in the Weather widget.
= 7.1.0 - 2024-01-24 =
- New: 566 new Goofle Web fonts.
- Misc: Display the Google News and flipboard on Posts only.
- Misc: add Block editor styles in the AMP pages.
- Fix: The Notification bar appears behind the Full Page Takeover Ad.
- Fix: Mega menu direction bug in the RTL.
- Fix: PHP Parse error in the backend with some old versions of PHP.
= 7.0.6 - 2023-11-01 =
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.
= 7.0.5 - 2023-11-21 =
- Fixed: PHP error in the backend for the newly installed themes.
- Fixed: Classic editor doesn't appear on some websites.
= 7.0.4 - 2023-11-20 =
- New: Compatibility with WordPress 6.4.0
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.
= 7.0.3 - 2023-10-19 =
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.