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Import from eBay to WooCommerce

Import from eBay to WooCommerce 1.8.3

WP Lab
Import from eBay to WooCommerce.png

Import all your products and store categories from eBay to WooCommerce.​

This plugin will get you started with WP-Lister if you have already listed all your products on eBay. You will have your WordPress powered e-commerce site up and running in no time – without adding all your products and categories again!

It will not only import all your active listings as products in WooCommerce – and recreate your eBay store categories in WooCommerce – it will set up your listings and categories in WP-Lister as well.

You can even migrate all your products from Auctiva or other listing tools as long as they are on eBay. Please keep in mind that you can’t use WP-Lister and other 3rd party listing tools at the same time.


  • Import all active listings from eBay
  • Import all your custom store categories
  • Supports product variations
  • Supports hierarchical categories
  • Item specifics on eBay will become product attributes in WooCommerce
  • Option to filter item description with custom definition of allowed HTML tags
  • Option to import a single item by entering its item ID (for testing)
  • Create listings in WP-Lister automatically – if a listing profile is selected
  • Create category mappings in WP-Lister Pro automatically


  • WP-Lister 2.x (Pro or free) needs to be installed and set up
  • You need to have an eBay store account to import store categories
  • An empty, single language WooCommerce site – multilingual sites are not supported
  • Your server shouldn’t break under heavy load
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