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iCagenda Pro

iCagenda Pro 3.9.6

iCagenda Pro.png

Events Management extension with a calendar module. Cross-plaform J3 / J4. Available in more 40 languages, iCagenda has a responsive and flexible design, with a theme pack installer inside.
  • Period events (start and end date and selection of weekdays) and/or single dates and time
  • Contact information (email, phone, address, venue...)
  • Frontend Search Filters
  • Frontend submission form
  • Registration to events with options
  • Event Cancellation feature to inform your visitors of events cancelled.
  • Privacy explicit consents for Personal Data are stored in database (comply to GDPR REGULATION (EU) 2016/679)
  • Support for Joomla Privacy Tools Suite (plugins ActionLog and Privacy)
  • Export to csv file of a list of registrations (with admin filters and options so that you could export data by event, date and/or user)
  • Simple mass email for registered users to a specific event
  • Back-end Advanced ACL Access Permissions.
  • Front-end buttons: Print and Add to Calendar (iCal, Google, Yahoo, Outlook calendars)
  • Checkbox Terms and Conditions option for submission and registration forms (default text, article or custom url. Consent to terms is stored).
  • Custom Fields (types: text, list, radio buttons, url, email...) for registration and event forms.
  • Create individual registration form with flexibility for any event.
  • Feature Icons : create icon for a specific feature.
  • You can also insert a Map using OpenStreetMaps or Google Maps (embed or javascript API), an image and an attached file.
  • The description of the event is using your favorite editor (possibilities to add video, media...).
  • Component manages the sharing on facebook, twitter and all the social networks, using AddThis (Optional).
  • Multiple options to do more...
Display of events takes the form of a list, for which you can apply filters (upcoming dates and/or past, category(ies), ordering by dates...) and customize graphic elements (choice of theme, size of the Google map, number events displayed per page, date format in your culture (for languages available in iCagenda), etc ...)

The Theme Manager allows you to use your own theme pack for iCagenda and install it easily via the component.
Two Themes are included in iCagenda : default and ic_rounded.

iCagenda Free includes: component iCagenda, library iC Library, module iC calendar, plugin search, plugin Action Log, plugin Privacy, plugin installer, plugin quickicon, plugin autologin and plugin iC Library.

iCagenda Pro includes: Core version + module iC Event List, Plugin Payment by PayPal, Event frontend edition, Versioning for categories and events (J4).

Available in more 40 languages (other in process) :
Afrikaans (South Africa), Arabic (Unitag), Basque (Spain), Bulgarian (Bulgaria), Catalan (Spain), Chinese (China), Chinese (Taiwan), Croatian (Croatia), Czech (Czech Republic), Danish (Denmark), Dutch (Netherlands), English (United Kingdom), English (United States), Esperanto, Estonian (Estonia), Faroese (Faroe Islands), Finnish (Finland), French (Canada), French (France), Galician, German (Germany), Greek (Greece), Hungarian (Hungary), Italian (Italy), Japanese (Japan), Latvian (Latvia), Lithuanian (Lithuania), Luxembourgish (Luxembourg), Macedonian (Macedonia), Norwegian Bokmål (Norway), Persian (Iran), Polish (Poland), Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian (Romania), Russian (Russia), Serbian (latin), Slovak (Slovakia), Slovenian (Slovenia), Spanish (Spain), Swedish (Sweden), Thai (Thailand), Turkish (Turkey), Ukrainian (Ukraine), ...
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Latest updates

  1. iCagenda Pro 3.9.6

    iCagenda 3.9.6 (2024.08.21) [LOW][MODULE][PRO] Fixed: The date time display for current full...
  2. iCagenda Pro v3.8.21

    iCagenda 3.8.21 (2023.11.02) Changed: Improve alias generation on save as a copy (events and...
  3. iCagenda Pro v3.8.10

    iCagenda 3.8.10 (2022.11.08) ~Changed : Improve Approval system. ~Changed : Notification to the...

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