• The default language of any content posted is English.
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Himer - Social Questions and Answers WordPress Theme

Himer - Social Questions and Answers WordPress Theme 2.1.4 NULLED

v2.1.4 – 15 August 2024

=== New Features and improved ===
- Added a new option to allow the users to register with English letters only or not.
- Added a new option to add a ChatGPT prompt to make it respond better based on your words.
- Added a new option to add a ChatGPT role content to make it respond better based on your words.
- FIXED: bug fixes.
v2.1.0 – 2 March 2024

=== New Features and improved ===
- Added a new page to see your asked questions you asked for users.
- Added a new option to add your slug for the my asked questions page.
- Added a new option to choose how many replied you want to allow for the users if you choose for user to answer one time.
- Added a new option for the users template to choose which users you want to show with user ids.
- Added a new option to add your custom checkout, so you can send link for the user to pay for anything.
- Added a new option to use shortcode for payment to allow the users that paid can see custom content.
- Added a new option to add title for the pay button for this custom payment.
- Added a new option to choose while user paying to get a new role or allow for them to download file.
- Added a new option to choose while user paying to be a one payment or subscribe payment.
- Added a new option to choose while user paying to pay with points or pay with payment methods.
- Added a new option to add cancel subscription for the custom payments.
- Added a new option to make the subscription monthly, three months, six months, yearly, or lifetime payment.
- Added a new option to add the price and points for the payments.
- Added a new option to add the maximum length for the username.
- FIXED: bug fixes.
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