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HikaMarket Multi-vendor

HikaMarket Multi-vendor 5.0.0


HikaMarket is a multi-vendor system. Each vendor have products and could edit them.
A vendor could be composed of several users, each user could have different rights (Access Levels).

Front-end Features​

  • All features of HikaMarket Front-edition
  • Manage your store content from the front-end of your website
    Products, categories, characteristics
  • Handle all sales related matters from the front-end of your website
    orders, customers, discounts, payments, shippings
  • Configure limited accesses to specific users only check orders, only update products quantity...

Marketplace features​

  • Transform your HikaShop store into a marketplace
  • Allow other vendors to sell their products in your store
  • Configure fees for your store, your vendors and products
  • Set-up restrictions depending on the vendor groups
    Limit their number of products, give them access to specific custom fields...
  • Track your vendor sales
  • Use adaptive payment plugins to instantly distribute the funds to yourself and your vendors
  • Sales-representative capabilities where the customer can choose the vendor
  • Vendor automatic selection based on customer area
  • Each vendor has its vendor page and can have its own terms and conditions
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Latest updates

  1. HikaMarket Multi-vendor 5.0.0

    HikaMarket 5.0.0 Release date : August 28, 2024 Required HikaShop version : 5.0.0 or newer...
  2. HikaMarket Multi-vendor v4.1.1

    HikaMarket 4.1.1 Release date : November 24, 2022 Required HikaShop version : 4.6.0 or newer...

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