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Heilz - Digital Downloads & Marketplace WordPress Theme

Heilz - Digital Downloads & Marketplace WordPress Theme 2.5.0 NULLED

2.5.0 - 04 Feb 25
NewRestrict a user from inspecting elements on a website.
NewNow users can drag and drop files in listings from frontend.
NewAdd a watermark option to apply watermark on cover images of listings.
FixText error on notification message.
FixDownload button redirecting issue without login.
ImpUpdate latest woocommerce theme templates.
2.3.0 - 27 Sep 24
FixFixed the search filters saving data issue in admin dashboard.
FixResolve the Cta button issue.
FixResolve the frontend dashboard listing active and pending status issue.
FixResolve the pages and post issues in admin section while saving the data.
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Reactions: ViktorGugo
2.0.1 - 13 March 24
NEWAdd a new filter in dashboard to filter listing according to their status in a particular listing type.
NEWIn purchase action type we have added an option user can add download assets link.
FIXFix the issue of "no results found" when a user clicks on a tag.
FIXResolve the all responsive issues of all pages and listings.
FIXFix warning messages on frontend dashboard, single listing and home page.
IMPModify all theme and plugins files to make it compatible with latest PHP version.
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Reactions: MarkDragon - 16 Feb 23
IMPUpdated the theme woocommerce templates files with latest version of woocommerce.
IMPAdded commercial page to the demo import.
NEWAdded the audio player field with audio key type in admin listing types.
NEWAdded listing type filter in user dashboard on frontend.
FIXFixed the pre loaders issue on buttons.
FIXFixed the responsive issues of download button on single listings and other pages.
FIXFixed some responsive design issues on all pages and devices.