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GutenKit Blocks Pro

GutenKit Blocks Pro 2.2.1 NULLED

= Version: 2.2.1 (2025-02-16) =
* Fixed: WhatsApp block line height
* Fixed: RichText inline tag issues in the timeline block
* Improved: Modules editor component for improved readability and performance
= Version: 2.2.0 (2025-01-20) =
* Fixed: Custom ordering in the image hover effect block
* Fixed: Nested block issues in frontend preview for the unfold block
* Fixed: Selection and deselection issues in timeline block info alignment control
* Fixed: Deprecated issues in the image hover effect block
* Improved: Content condition and position controls in the image hover effect block
* Improved: Toggle controls to show content in the image hover effect block
* Improved: Hover border-radius control and color issue in the creative button block
* Improved: Horizontal direction controls for slide items in the client logo block
* Improved: Wrapper padding and height/width controls in the client logo block
* Improved: Performance and controls in the style list block
* Improved: Performance and style controls in the advanced search block
= Version: 2.1.8 (2024-12-29) =
* Added: Animated particle background module
* Added: Beta version of the advanced search block
* Fixed: Hover reverse issue with lottie block
= Version: 2.1.6 (2024-11-24) =
* Fixed: Responsiveness for WhatsApp block settings and styles
* Fixed: Opacity control issue on logo hover in the price menu block
* Improved: Hover style controls for dots in the client logo block
* Improved: Content line and hover style controls for dots in the price menu block
= Version: 2.1.4 (2024-11-11) =
* Fixed: Arrow width and height issue in the client logo block
* Improved: Added content alignment control for the timeline block
* Improved: Enhanced editor loading performance
* Improved: Optimized block controls performance
* Improved: Updated dynamic content module
= Version: 2.1.3 (2024-10-27) =
* Added: Choose from predefined template preset popup
* Fixed: Multiple CSS transform effect not working
* Fixed: Style broken when switch in timeline block
* Improved: Site editor experience
* Improved: Dynamic content module
* Improved: Query builder block performance
= Version: 2.1.2 (2024-10-17) =
* Added: Input and position options in the advanced slider
* Fixed: Dot position in the advanced slider
* Fixed: Navigation button border color control issue in the price menu block
* Fixed: Navigation button border color control issue in the client logo block
* Fixed: Navigation button style issues in the query builder block
* Improved: Query builder block
* Improved: Dynamic content module
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Reactions: ViktorGugo
= Version: 2.1.1 (2024-10-08) =
* Added: Mailchimp integration block
* Fixed: Styling issue with post info's `before text` in the query builder
* Fixed: Responsive issues with spacing, `slides to show,` and `slides to scroll` controls in the client logo, price menu, and query template blocks
* Fixed: Post title block truncation issue
* Fixed: Typography issues in the timeline block (date & address) and post info block
* Improved: Faster editor loading time
= Version: 2.1.0 (2024-09-30) =
* Added: RTL support
* Added: Padding, gradient background, and box shadow control in the advanced toggle
* Added: Dynamic content support for post custom field HTML
* Added: Plugin information button
* Added: Choose starter template button in the query builder block placeholder
* Fixed: Dynamic content issue in the query builder block
* Fixed: Custom post types archive not working in site editor with query builder block
* Fixed: Inability to use the container block in the query template
* Fixed: Post info terms block not recognizing custom taxonomies
* Fixed: Block settings now exclude video and image options
* Fixed: Dot alignment issue in the client logo block
* Fixed: Arrow style error in the client logo block
* Fixed: Dot spacing (top to bottom) not working in the client logo block
* Fixed: Border hover color issue in the advanced Masonry block
* Fixed: OS detection issue in the display Conditions module
* Fixed: Alignment issue with fancy animated text
* Fixed: Pagination not working in the query builder for posts
* Fixed: Lottie caption alignment issue
* Fixed: Color and deprecation issues in chart blocks
* Fixed: Color and deprecation issues in the reading progress bar block