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Glover – Grocery, Food, Pharmacy Courier & Service Provider + Backend + Driver and Vendor app

Glover – Grocery, Food, Pharmacy Courier & Service Provider + Backend + Driver and Vendor app 1.7.60 NULLED

1.7.60 - 2025/01/13​

1. Flutter 3.27.1
2. Prevent double address saving by saving user
3. Improve parcel vendors fetch when using address from map
4. Bulk Vendor actions

1.7.51 - 2024/10/10​

Copy1. Improve customer search pages
2. Fix home screen scroll issue on some home screen type
3. Improve location fetch data
4. Fix driver online minimized error - android
5. Flutter 3.24.3 support
6. Fix parcel types not loading in some cases
7. Fix vendor & driver file permission issue - android
8. Dynamic vehicle type icon - taxi
9. Improve forgot password reset flow
8. Romanian language
9. Allow schedule order cancellation
10. Fix upload prescription
11. Banner by zone
12. Product feature checkbox
13. Vendor favourite
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Reactions: Osiso and raz0r
1.7.50 - 2024/08/02
1. Include Simple welcome Web app
2. Allow set backend sub-route - e.g /admin or /backend
3. Geolocation boundaries for parcel delivery. Matching address with country/state/city name + checking provided stop geolocation is inside country/state/city boundaries.
4. Taxi tax
5. Flutter 3.22.1 support
6. Fix Vendor & Driver in-app Report
7. Enforce profile change settings
8. Prevent order status change after failed, cancelled or successful order status
9. Improve order nearby driver search accuracy
10. Fix customer taxi order details/driver rating after order completion
11. vendor subscription through manager wallet
12. share dynamic page on the backend
1.7.44 - 2024/05/01
1. Fix Product/vendor html description on customer app
2. Fix Product request issue after ordering
3. Enable/Disable show vendor phone at backend for customer app
4. Apps change theme: system, dark or light
5. Allow vendor register with address details
1.7.42 - 2024/04/06
1. Fix pharmacy upload prescription
2. Prevent Disable account from ordering or using app
3. Improve Arabic printing on vendor app
4. Referral Reward. Allow reward on regirstration/first order
5. Allow parcel vendor manager, create parcel order from backend
6. Fix vendor open/close auto. Add setting to enable how many hours before auto open/close kicks in
7. Fix role error during account creation
8. Improve Wysiwyg editor
1.7.40 - 2024/02/16
1. Product approval system.
2. Vendor & Driver In-app earning, sales & payout report.
3. Fix Customer digital product download.
4. All product option creation directly from vendor app - new /edit product.

1.7.21 - 2023/11/12​

1. Only fix reported issue

- Regular order placing error

- Customer modern home screen feature vendor scroll issue

- Subcategories fetch only vendors with such subcategories

2. Improved product - menu - categories/subcateories assignment

1.7.20 - 2023/10/03​

1. Only fix reported issue

- Customer app search address

- Forgot Password (Custom SMS Gateways) Customer, Driver, Vendor

2. Vendor continuous notification for new order

3. Zone specific delivery fees

4. Regular order dispatch via job

5. Forgot password backend
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Reactions: irdnsys and husa

1.7.10 - 2023/10/03​

1. Service re-ordering like product

2. Age restriction/info for certain product/service

3. Max selectable options under an option group.

4. Taxi order fare breakdown details - Backend/Customer

5. Delivery related Coupon

6. Show product tags on product listing view customer app

7. Product tagging direct from the products page backend

8. Upgrade to flutter 3.13.6

9. Show/hide trip/order amount in new order driver alert

10. Custom CMS Pages
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Reactions: dhystudio and husa