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Joomla! GDPR plugin: cookies and privacy for Joomla managed automatically by the GDPR component - Make your Joomla website compliant with the EU GDPR law​

GDPR for Joomla! is the state of the art to manage cookies and resources and have your website compliant with the EU GDPR law. It is the only trusted software in the world that can actually block cookies and resources and that is able to track any consent requested on the website.
And if you are afraid of finding and classifying cookies on your website, don't worry! GDPR does it all by itself thanks to the Audit and Auto Configuration™ tool.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is fully enforceable in the European Union involving even countries outside the European Union that handle personal data of EU citizens. After the deadline of May 25, 2018 all organisations are expected to be compliant with EU GDPR and 2022 is the year of GDPR enforcement.
Moreover the Joomla! GDPR component is compliant even with the German EUGH Cookie Law, European ECJ, Italian New Cookie Law as of January 9, 2022, CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) as of January 1, 2020 and with Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ and of Ukraine "On Personal Data".

This means that there is a new set of rules to consider when dealing with personal data of users.

The Joomla! GDPR component​

aims to extend the Joomla! core with a set of extra features, currently missing, in order to have Joomla! compliant with the EU GDPR law.

Main features of the Joomla! GDPR component are:​

•GDPR Cookie consent: the standard cookie banner is no longer enough for EU GDPR, now you need a more effective solution to really block local cookies, third-party cookies, tracking Javascript storages and resources before the consent is given also supporting the opt-out of single categories and cookies, revocable consent and modal block of the website

•Cookie classification: it's possible to build a full classification of cookies, the Joomla! GDPR component supports up to 4 categories that are customizable based on cookies/domains used on your website and that can contain user-defined services

•Audit and Auto Configuration™: this powerful tool performs an audit of your website to scan for cookies and domains used and to automatically classify them in the right category

•Opt-out and define single cookies: the advanced cookies management of the GDPR component allows to opt-out single cookies or domains and to display a description about the usage and purpose of each of them

•Unlock resources without page reload: the advanced blocking mode of the GDPR component allows to unlock blocked resources such as iframes or scripts on the fly and without a full page reload, also showing a placeholder for visitors

•Different strictness levels: it's possible to switch between different levels of strictness when dealing with cookies, even supporting geolocation to exclude visitors from countries that don't apply the EU GDPR law

•Logs of user changes: whenever a change in a user profile occurs, for example if a user changes his personal data, all changes must be tracked and logged. GDPR supports even Joomla! custom fields and the core User Profile plugin. The logs report can be exported in CSV and Excel formats

•Logs of consents and account consent registry: the logs of user consents is a global system that allows to keep track of all consents given by users, either logged in or logged out, to every form in which you integrate the privacy policy checkbox. The logs report can be exported in CSV and Excel formats

•Logs of cookie consents: the Joomla! GDPR component is able to track even consents given for the cookie usage both by visitors and registered users of your website

•Profile deletion: every user must be able to delete his own profile at any moment based on the 'Right to be forgotten' regulation. Moreover GDPR doesn't simply delete the user profile, but it can optionally delete all user generated contents, such as articles, contacts, blogs, etc

•Profile export: every Joomla! user must be able to export his own profile in a machine readable format, GDPR supports CSV and Excel for the Joomla! user profile, including fields generated by the user profile plugin and custom fields

•Fully automatic deletion and export: by default the deletion and export of a user profile is fully managed by the Joomla! GDPR component and self-made by the user so you don't have to worry about manual operations. Optionally you can choose to manage deletion and export manually and receive a request by users

•Privacy policy checkbox: every form on your website dealing with personal data must include a mandatory privacy policy checkbox to consent personal data handling. GDPR can integrate with all of them to show the privacy policy checkbox

•Record of processing activities: the Joomla! GDPR component is able to manage the record of processing activities and its generation in both Excel and OpenOffice format to be compliant with the EU GDPR

•Dynamic checkbox: this feature works as a privacy construction kit in that you can create multiple and custom privacy policies associated to an individual checkbox and place it wherever you need

•Consent registry: you can generate and export the registry including consent details given by users that is essential if requested by the Data Protection Commissioner

•Data breach notifications: in the case that a data breach occurs, you can mark violated profiles and quickly notify users sending them an informative email

•Privacy policy: you can include popup contents or link to your privacy policy

•Cookie policy: you can include popup contents or link to your cookie policy

•Multilanguage support: contents can be translated into different languages using the standard Joomla! multilanguage strings

•Advanced integration system: GDPR ships with preconfigured integrations with common extensions such as JomSocial, EasySocial, Virtuemart, etc moreover it can be configured to integrate with all extensions that generates standard forms(non-ajax)

•Revocable consent: you can allow users to revoke their consent to the privacy policy and be notified whenever this happens to take the correct action

•Retroactivity: you can force already registered users to explicitly accept the privacy policy on the first login

•Bulk cookie consent: the GDPR component supports the bulk cookie consent across multiple domains you own to request the coookie consent only once for all domains

•Log IP address: it's possible to track even the IP address of each user to uniquely identify users even if simple visitors. The IP address will be included in the logs of user changes, in the consents registry and in the cookie log

•Exclusions system: you can choose to exclude certain user groups or certain components from the GDPR requirements

•Integration with JRealtime Analytics: GDPR can be integrated with JRealtime Analytics in order to provide a fully GDPR-compliant solution for stats tracking to replace Google Analytics
2.16 NULLEDVersion
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Latest updates

  1. GDPR 2.16 NULLED

    Version 2.16 - 05/02/2025 New feature to set a specific description type for cookies, domains...
  2. GDPR 2.12.2

    Version 2.12.2 - 09/03/2024 Improved integration with Google CMP v2, added new consents mapped...
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