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Information: Safety & Support
Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use. Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.
Fixed All version use ionCube Loader 14+. You can download the ionCube Loader 14 here
Fixed Netcine Additional Host
Fixed Filemoon, Mediafire, Vidguard, Zen Hosts
Fixed Facebook, Youtube Hosts by yt-dlp
Fixed HLS/MPD Parser
Fixed Cache System
Fixed Known Bugs
Info yt-dlp supports multiple hosts and you can create child classes, for example /includes/classes/Hosting/twitch.class.php.
Then you have to register the child class in the json files in the /includes/bin/ folder, in this case: host-list.json, hostnames.json, supported-hosts.json and timeout-hosts.json (optional), bypassed-hosts.json (optional, if you can't play the video source directly), ua-validator-hosts.json (optional, if the video source requires user agent validation).
After that you have to click Reset Hosts button and Clear All Cache via the settings page.
Added yt-dlp Additional Host. You have to put the yt-dlp (linux/macos) or yt-dlp.exe (windows) file in the /includes/bin/ folder and change the permission: 700 and user: www/www-data/nobody/your username. Python 3.9+ required
Added Complete Cache Processing of MP4 Video Files for All Resolutions in the Background. You can enable this feature by checking the "Enable Proxy Cache Files" setting via the General Settings page