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Front End Users Premium

Front End Users Premium 3.2.30 NULLED

License Information
To activate Premium version of the plugin, install ewd-premium-helper_nulled.zip and disable auto-update.
License key: iC41vlD8mARMiWQXzE7d
Etoile Web Design
Front End Users Premium.png

Front-End Only Users Premium NULLED is a user management and membership plugin that allows for front-end user registration and login, and for admins to restrict access to portions of their websites to certain users. No need to give access to your WordPress dashboard (unless you want to).

Includes Gutenberg blocks for the following features: register, login, logout, user search, user list, edit account, forgot password and confirm forgot password!


  • Customizable membership fields for front-end user registration
  • Pure CSS-styled front-end login form, user registration form and edit profile form
  • Front-end users supports all input types for fields, allowing you to create a custom user profile
  • Front-end user input-based redirects
  • Front end user notifications: Fully customizable set of user emails. Create as many unique email messages as you want and then assign the message of your choice to specific actions.


The premium version of the Front-End Only Users plugin comes with several features that will allow you to enhance your user management and content restriction. This includes the ability to set different user roles / user levels for specific content restriction, to require administrator approval for registrations, to restrict pages based on level, to customize notification emails and more!

Need to set up a paid subscription? Front-End Only Users includes paid membership features that can be broken down by user level, so that different pay user levels can have different restricted access on your site. The included custom user role features allow you to restrict access to different portions of your site to different frontend user groups. These access levels provide a user management experience that makes it easy to set up a paid membership site, monetize your content and segment your users!

  • PayPal & Stripe integration: Ability to charge users a one-time, annual, or monthly membership fee through PayPal or Stripe
  • Create discount codes for the payments
  • Front-End user emails: Email all of the users on your site, or email subsets of users on your site
  • Ability to integrate WordPress users, so that WP users can create profiles, access restricted content, be given a specific frontend user level within this plugin, etc.
  • User Levels: Ability to create different user levels and to specify a default user level for users to be set to when they register (created on the “Levels” tab). Different user level groups can have access to different user content, allowing for easy and effective user management.
  • Let users choose their level on registration (useful with paid memberships)
  • Require admin approval of frontend users
  • Different registration forms depending on user level, option to let users select their own level
  • Add a captcha to the registration form
  • Send front end user groups to different pages after login with our customizable user login shortcode
  • Front end user WooCommerce integration: Autofill WooCommerce fields for logged-in users
  • Front-end user MailChimp integration: Makes it so new front end users are automatically added to your MailChimp list/contacts
  • Email confirmation: Require users to confirm their email address before they can log in.
  • Ability to restrict pages: Gives you the option of restricting pages to groups of users in the sidebar of the page editor.
  • Admin Approval of Users: Require users to be approved by an administrator in the WordPress back-end before they can log in.
  • User Statistics: This feature allows you to gather information about frontend users and how they are using your site, as well as to see what pages each user has visited.
  • Front end user import via spreadsheet and user export to spreadsheet
3.2.30 NULLEDVersion
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. Front End Users Premium 3.2.30 NULLED

    3.2.30 (2024-11-25) Tested with WordPress 6.7.
  2. Front End Users Premium 3.2.29 NULLED

    3.2.29 (2024-08-28) Security update. Updated escaping.
  3. Front End Users Premium v3.2.27 NULLED

    3.2.27 (2023-11-07) Tested for WordPress 6.4 compatibility/support.

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