------ Version: 2.5.6 ------
- Added new demo: EV Cars News.
- Added new layouts for Foxiz Heading block.
- Added more layout and style settings for overlay blocks, increasing design possibilities.
- Added settings to change icon color to dark for review meta, matching light review primary color.
- Added stars and score size control for Elementor post listing blocks.
- Added option to add SVG attachment ID into menu items, allowing SVG colors to change via menu color settings.
- Added new dark mode switcher styles, supporting custom dark mode icons.
- Added author lightbox when hovering over single author meta, with individual and global settings included.
- Added global color settings for all buttons for modern design compatibility.
- Added logo height and header max-width settings for all predefined headers.
- Added color hover effects for the submenu items.
- Added menu spacing and icon spacing settings for the menu.
- Added global button hover scale and shrink animations.
- Combined submenu settings across all predefined headers for easier configuration.
- Added option to assign sidebars for custom post types.
- Added option to disable the left border for image captions.
- Added local Gravatar image support via image attachment ID input settings for individual users, eliminating the need for any third-party plugin.
- Added new method for Adblock Detection and fixed issue in AMP mode.
- Added new layout for the single post highlight section.
- Improved Foxiz Banner block.
- Improved header collapse section settings.
- Improved autofocus for search input when triggered by the search icon.
- Improved custom search icon display at the top search form of the search page.
- Improved Author Box 1 and 2 settings and layouts.
- Improved entry meta HTML structure.
- Optimized header settings panel.
- Optimized social sharing functions.
- Optimized CSS code.
- Fixed "Live" label and "Exclusive" label not working for specific charset text.
- Fixed sponsor logo alignment issues in overlay blocks.
- Fixed bbPress text domain loading issue in WordPress 6.6.
- Removed "X" label in "Share on X" to avoid confusion with logo and text.
- Fixed minor bugs and layout inconsistencies.