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Flexible Wishlist PRO - Analytics & Emails

Flexible Wishlist PRO - Analytics & Emails 1.1.9 NULLED

WP Desk

Flexible Wishlist PRO NULLED - Analytics & Emails​

Allow customers save their favorite products for later and identify the most popular products by tracking wishlists' content. Create and send promotional e-mails. Stay one step ahead of your customers' needs and meet their demands.

Why Flexible Wishlist PRO - Analytics & Emails?​

This is not just an ordinary wishlist plugin for WooCommerce. Flexible Wishlist PRO is more than that 🚀
A powerful tool that will allow you to get great results with minimal effort.

Promotional emails​

Create and send promotional emails. Make promotional campaigns for selected users and get rid of surplus stock.

View users’ lists​

Have insight into your customers' wishlists and stay one step ahead of their needs.

Track wishlist content​

Analyze the most frequently added products to wishlists. If a product is added to the wish list but doesn't sell, that's a red flag.

Gift Wishlists​

Let your customers create personalized gift wishlists. Make buying gifts easier.

Increase your sales​

Reduce shopping cart abandonment rate and increase the conversion rate in your store.

Personalized wishlists​

Select the icon for adding a product to the wishlist and personalize all text inputs.
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Reactions: MarkDragon
  • Version 1.1.9 NULLED
  • Downloads 31
  • Views 510
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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