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Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme Premium

Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme Premium 3.19.11 NULLED

--- 3.19.11 (26.02.25) ---
CHANGED: Refined focus visible Firefox fix on product gallery image link to ensure compatibility across all browsers without interfering with the gallery functionality.
--- 3.19.10 (24.02.25) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 9.7 compatibility.
NEW: Products list element class and visibility option.

FIXED: Improved compatibility with PHP 7.4 by addressing an issue with the 'mixed' return type.
FIXED: Yoast reindex with CLI command when accordion is present.
FIXED: Focus visible styling on product gallery image link with FireFox.

CHANGED: Removed wc_feature_woocommerce_brands_enabled condition check for brands.
  • Like
Reactions: zilog357
--- 3.19.9 (22.01.25) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 9.6 compatibility.

ENHANCEMENT: Various CSS improvements.

FIXED: h4 tag size on mobile devices.
FIXED: WooCommerce 'Terms and conditions' string.

CHANGED: Deprecated flatsome_option() and flatsome_defaults() functions.

UPDATED: Google Fonts list.
--- 3.19.8 ---
NEW: WooCommerce 9.5 compatibility.
NEW: Added Wero payment icon.

ENHANCEMENT: Added a validation check to ensure the JavaScript-inserted toggle button is not duplicated.
ENHANCEMENT: Swatch list cache is now cleared when an order is canceled.
ENHANCEMENT: Updated Mastercard payment icon.
ENHANCEMENT: Various CSS improvements.

FIXED: Resolved a $orderedby variable warning when using WooCommerce versions older than 9.4.

UPDATED: Language files.
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Reactions: edgars221289
--- 3.19.7 (12.11.24) ---
NEW: WordPress 6.7 compatibility.
NEW: WooCommerce 9.4 compatibility.
NEW: Option to show product brand on single product page (WooCommerce Core).

ENHANCEMENT: Show register label in the sidebar account element if enabled.
ENHANCEMENT: WPML translation with native editor compatibility.
ENHANCEMENT: YITH Wishlist v4 improvements.
ENHANCEMENT: Various CSS improvements.

FIXED: Added additional parameters to the woocommerce_variation_option_name filter.
FIXED: Composite products integration did not load with lazy load images disabled.
FIXED: Header Contact element Lighthouse Link not crawlable entry.
FIXED: Support for private and hidden products in the quick view AJAX request.

UPDATED: Google Fonts list.
UPDATED: Language files.

Note: Product brands ships with WooCommerce 9.4 core and is not enabled by default in this version.
--- 3.19.6 (13.09.24) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 9.3 compatibility.
FIXED: Exit UX Builder redirected to post list in some cases.
UPDATED: Language files.
--- 3.19.5 (22.08.24) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 9.2 compatibility.

ENHANCEMENT: Improved cleanup of cron events.
ENHANCEMENT: Strengthen sticky add to cart $product global check.
ENHANCEMENT: Scroll to product element if variations form is not found for sticky add to cart select options button.
ENHANCEMENT: Various CSS improvements.

FIXED: WP 6.6 Block editor 'Edit with UX Builder'.

UPDATED: Google Fonts list.
UPDATED: Language files.
  • Like
Reactions: xemxxx98892
--- 3.19.4 (11.07.24) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 9.1 compatibility.

ENHANCEMENT: Prevented cart coupon form from being hidden with WC Stripe Payment Gateway plugin.
ENHANCEMENT: Various CSS improvements.

FIXED: Custom product single product hooks did not apply.
FIXED: Product zoom in RTL.

Note: The cart coupon class name is changed from checkout_coupon to ux-cart-coupon for plugin compatibility.
--- 3.19.2 (14.06.24) ---
ENHANCEMENT: Support plain URL as bg attribute value for banner & section.

FIXED: Resolved an issue where price filter and sorting were disabled with prices enabled in catalog mode.
FIXED: Banner & Section background position in combination with picture tag.