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Finale - WooCommerce Sales Countdown Timer & Discount Plugin

Finale - WooCommerce Sales Countdown Timer & Discount Plugin 2.21.0 NULLED

= 2.21.0 =
* Compatible upto WordPress 6.4.3
* Compatible upto WooCommerce 8.6.1
* Security: Hardened security for search requests, WP JSON endpoint of file deletion and reference plugin installation & download tools code. (#205 #217)
* Added: Support for WooCommerce HPOS is added. (#191)
* Added: 4 new conditional rules added. All Post Category or Tag pages, Specific Post Category or Tag pages. (#196)
* Added: Compatibility added with 'Events Schedule WP' plugin to support product type "wcs_ticket". (#203)
* Added: Auto clear plugin transients which are 3 days old. (#201)
* Improved: Check stock quantity code improved, handling added to remove warnings. (#207, #213)
* Fixed: Remove decimal from action priority. (#199)
* Fixed: Custom CSS wasn't coming in case of shortcode and minor CSS fixes. (#193, #211)
* Fixed: Product 'Out of stock' error message corrected. (#209)
* Fixed: Coupon success message wasn't displaying, fixed. (#215)
* Dev: 2 new action hooks 'wcct_campaign_started and wcct_campaign_running' added. (#194)
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