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Events Booking - Joomla Events Registration

Events Booking - Joomla Events Registration 5.0.1

New version of Events Booking 4.4.1 with the following improvements and some small bugs fixes:

1. Export Registrants Improvements
- Support Export Templates while exporting registrants from frontend registrants management
- Add options to allow exporting more fields: Tax Rate, Language.

2. Custom Fees Improvement
- If you are using custom fee fields and want to show fee value associated with each custom fields (usually in invoice or in email messages), it is now possible. Just use the syntax [NAME_OF_FIELD_FEE_VALUE] . For example, if name of custom field is ticket_type, then you can use tag [TICKET_TYPE_FEE_VALUE]

3. Change Show Children Events Behavior
- Before this release, if you have Show Children Events In Parent Event Detail Page config option set to Yes, children events won't be shown on events list page (via menu items or in upcoming events module). From this release, whether children events show on events list or not is independent with the mentioned config option. It will be controlled by Hide Children Events parameter in the menu item or by Show Children Events parameter in upcoming events module (so the parameters will always be respected now)

4. CSS Class Mapping
If you want to replace certain css class used by Events Booking by a different css class (comes from your template), you can now go to Events Booking -> Configuration, look at CCS Class Mapping tab, add the mapping (Original Css Class -> New Css Class) and it will work as you want. You won't have to edit code to change css class anymore, just add the mapping you need when it is needed

5. PHP 8.2 Compatible
- Work done to make the extension fully compatible with PHP 8
- We also spent time to improve code quality of the extension with the help of the excellent tools from PHP community like PHP CS Fixer and Rector.

6. Other Small Improvements
Added setting to allow control number of records displayed on Public Registrants List
- Support WebP images format for categories and events
- Support showon behavior for event custom fields
- Allow setup separate Agendas and Speakers for children events if required (supported by new parameters in these plugins)

7. Bugs Fixes
- Fixed small bugs in payment processing library for PayFast and BluePay payment gateway
- Do not add waiting list users to ACYMailing Lists
- Make sure full calendar uses right language.
- Receive Confirmation Email feature in custom field is now also working with waiting list
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Reactions: tatar221 and zafro
Download OS Events Booking v4.3.0 - Joomla Events Registration
1. Export Registrants Template

This new feature allows you to have different export registrants templates. For each export template, you can control:
- The fields you want to be exported with that template
- The order of these fields
After adding export templates, you can choose to use the export template you want while exporting registrants. The registrants data will then be exported using the format/rule defined in the selected export template

2. Improve Registrants Management
- Added Allow Filter Registrants By Type config option. If enabled, you can choose to filter registration records base on it's type directly on Registrants Management screen: All, Only Billing Records, Only Members Records.
- Allow filter registrants base on Payment Date.

3. Custom Fields Improvements
- Added option to allow showing custom fields below payment methods list
- Allow a custom field to be shown when certain payment method is selected already. This is useful, usually, when you use offline payment plugins and want to allow customers to provide more payment data using custom fields.

4. Modules Improvements
- Added Pre-Text and Post-Text parameters to the modules come with the extension. With these new parameters, you can add text (HTML code is supported) before and after modules output if needed. For example, you can use Post-Text to add link to events page at the end of upcoming events module....

5. Other Small Improvements
- Update TCPDF library to latest version
- Update EB Stripe Checkout payment plugin to work with latest Stripe API. Please note that you should only update to this latest version of the payment plugin if your Stripe account is configured to use Stripe API version newer than 2020-08-27 (2022-08-01 or newer)
- Added more offline payment plugins (you can now use up to 9 offline payment plugins)

6. Bugs Fixes
- Update PayPal payment plugin to fix an issue causes by change from PayPal system recently. The issue is that some registration records are Pending while most of other records works as expected.
- Fixed children events list use wrong language on multilingual website (it was always using site main language, not the current active to display children events data)
- Fixed full events are still being displayed in calendar even if it is configured to be hidden
- Fixed edit registrant permission on frontend on some special case
- Fixed Full Event Notification plugin keep sending emails when someone join waiting list.

Please note that we are planning to raise minimum PHP version requirement to PHP 7.4. So if you are using PHP version older PHP version, please plan to upgrade to at least PHP 7.4 to be able to continue updating to future releases of Events Booking.
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Reactions: tatar221 and zafro
1. Compatible with Joomla 4.2.0 and 4.2.1
There is a small backward incompatible change in Joomla 4.2.0 causing fatal error in Events Booking older version and this version fixed it. If you are using Joomla 4.2.0 (and upcoming Joomla 4.2.1 release), please update to this latest version of Events Booking to make sure the extension works well with that Joomla version.

2. Full Event Notification Plugin
We added Events Booking - Full Event Notification to allow sending notification emails to the users you want (usually administrator) when an event is full if it is needed. Please refer to documentation to see how to configure and use that plugin if you want to use this option.

3. Allow defining your own emails & messages tags
Added a new section to Events Booking -> Configuration to allow define your own email & messages tag. After adding these tags with it own value, you can use these tags in any email messages in the extension.

4. Improve Weekly Calendar
Added more parameter to Calendar - Weekly Layout menu item type to make it more flexible
- Locations, Categories, Exclude Categories : Allow control events from what categories, locations will be displayed when users access to this menu item.
- Default Week Start Date: Allow control the weekly start date when users access to this menu item (default to start date of the current week)

5. Full Event Control Improvement

- Added a new config option to hide events when it is full
- When someone cancel registration and event is open to registration again (because the number of registrants now smaller than event capacity), the system will re-publish, re-show these events so that other users can see and register for it.

6. Registrants Management Improvement

- Added config options to allow control show/hide more fields on Registrants Management: Last Name, Email, Payment Method.
- Display Ticket Types data on frontend Registrants Management.

7. Small Bugs Fixed

- Fixed background image for certificate not working on Joomla 4
- Prevent checkin registrants of a future events using QR CODE scanner.
- Do not display Register column on Category Table Layout when it is configured to display past events
- Fixed Events Booking - Advanced Events Slider module does not display upcoming events properly
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Reactions: tatar221 and zafro