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Eventer - WordPress Event & Booking Manager Plugin

Eventer - WordPress Event & Booking Manager Plugin 3.9.6 NULLED

13 November 2024 - Version 3.9.6
FIXED! Woo bookings ticket restore function not working as expected
FIXED! Woocommerce pricing settings causing fatal error in certain cases
FIXED! No bookings available message appears for recurring events with custom booking URL
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Reactions: edgars221289
13 May 2024 - Version
FIXED! Stripe payments for default payment options not working
20 November 2023 - Version 3.8
NEW! Option to add new form fields for individual registrants
NEW! Yearly recurring events
NEW! Option to hide avaialble tickets quantity for events individually
NEW! Event Schema integrated
NEW! PDF Tickets option
NEW! Option to disable event tickets email delivery per event
NEW! Pre payment and Payment confirmation email for Woo bookings as well
NEW! Placeholder attribute for form fields shortcodes
NEW! Event status Expired, Upcoming, Ongoing for all the list/grid styles
UPDATED! Carousel plugin
FIXED! Specific event ticket instructions not working with Woo bookings
FIXED! Timeslot is not visible for all day events
FIXED! Individual registrants record not exported in Woo bookings
FIXED! Delete bookings record not working for Woo bookings
FIXED! Event time countdown not working in the modern grid style
FIXED! Style improvements
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Reactions: edgars221289
26 October 2023 - Version 3.7.5
NEW! Separeta field for date format on event single page
FIXED! Booking form not working in DIVI theme
FIXED! Even linked to custom URL not working
FIXED! Eventer filters in New booking area not working
FIXED! Event category filter not working for ELementor widget
FIXED! Event specific ticket instructions not showing in event tickets
FIXED! Email templates not showing line breaks
FIXED! Added some missing translations for javascript errors
FIXED! Half ticket image when booking from a mobile device
v3.7 – July 12, 2023
NEW! CSV export for the 'New Bookings' Woocommerce
NEW! Option to make time slot selection field mandatory
NEW! PDF Invoices for the standard payments for event booking
NEW! Option to add image and other details on the event tickets
NEW! Option to define Email sender name and email address for all the Eventer outgoing emails
NEW! Not show a dropdown select field instead of calendar date picker for the recurring events
IMPROVEMENT! Eventer css and javascript will now load only on the pages which are using the eventer shortcodes.
FIXED! Few stylings bugs
UPDATED! Language .pot
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Reactions: edgars221289
v3.6- February 11, 2023
FIXED! New bookings not showing any record for some users
FIXED! Custom ticket email template content not working for Woocommerce bookings
FIXED! Some styling bugs