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European VAT number

PrestaShop European VAT number 1.6.0

Enables you to enter the intra-community VAT number when creating / modifying an address, and clean the VAT numbers in the database with a thorough check. Avoid very easily the VAT scams!

This module allows:
  • to charge without taxes to foreign professional customers with a valid intra-EU VAT number.
  • to have intra-Community VAT numbers "cleaned" in the database and to detect false numbers or errors in the VAT number, this cleaning is done directly when registering the VAT number in the address, but also by a complete verification system in the module configuration or by CRON.
  • avoid scams by individuals who wish not to pay taxes by indicating a false VAT number or a foreign VAT number while they are in the same country as you.
The complete check of all the addresses available in the module configuration also removes the VAT numbers from an address if:
  • the country does not correspond to the VAT number
  • the structure is not good
  • the VAT number is invalid on VIES
These deletions are in options, you can select them or not.

The module has a tab listing all the addresses with VAT number. You can then manually validate a customer's VAT number if the VIES system is temporarily inaccessible. You can also change, delete a VAT number.
This table has several links in the right column allowing you to directly access:
  • to the customer page in the back office
  • to the customer's detailed address
  • to the page corresponding to the customer on the website VIES
2 additional links are available: the first one allows to validate directly the VAT number (if it is not already validated) and the second allows to delete directly the VAT number of the address if you suspect a customer to want to make a scam to the VAT for example.

A "Search" tab allows you to view all the addresses according to your search (name or first name of the customer, VAT number, country). The information in this table is the same as the table listing all the addresses.
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  • Version 1.6.0
  • Downloads 30
  • Views 506
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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