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Estimated Delivery Date V3 - Smart Modules

PrestaShop Estimated Delivery Date V3 - Smart Modules 3.9.8

3.9.8 Improved Holidays management, now holidays are multi-shop compatible
3.9.8 Improved old upgrade files to prevent issues when the upgrade fails and need to be repeated
3.9.8 Fixed bugs when using webservices to generate orders
3.9.8 Improved the calculation for the carrier restrictions application while in the order process
3.9.8 Added a Hook Management section to easily activate or deactivate the module's hooks
3.9.8 Improved multishop management for date modifiers
3.9.8 Updated theme structures
3.9.8 Fixed some small issues on the Product Edit Page options
3.9.8 Improve the UX / UI on the Product Edit Page options
3.9.8 Fixed a small issue when all products in the cart had the delivery generation excluded
3.9.8 Fixed some small issues with the Deliveries filtering options
3.9.8 Moved hook display generation to a TPL
3.9.8 Updated and improved the security of the module's SQL
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Reactions: natacoliseum
Added a delayed date picker loading if an OPC is active
What's New in Version 3.7.8(03/27/2023)
  • 3.7.7 Improved the generated info when module's debug mode is active
  • 3.7.7 Fixed a small issue with delivery range dates for logged in customers
  • 3.7.7 Improved the display on the Products List view
  • 3.7.7 Fixed a small issue
  • 3.7.7 Improved some features compatibility with the multi-shop feature
  • 3.7.7 Improved display Cart Modal feature
  • 3.7.7 Fixed an issue with the combination data sorting and saving
  • 3.7.7 Limited size for the carriers images in the Popup View
  • 3.7.8 Upgraded the live update for the order summary step
  • 3.7.8 Fixed some issues on PS 8.0.2 initial installation
  • 3.7.8 Improved BO delivery date regeneration