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EShop - Joomla Shopping Cart

EShop - Joomla Shopping Cart 4.0.1

Next release of EShop Shopping Cart extension, version 4.0.1 with the following great new features / improvements:

1. Add Gift Voucher Feature.

I developed a new plugin called "Payment Form - EShop Voucher" to integrate Payment Form extension and EShop Shopping Cart extension.

This plugin gives you a way to sell voucher for EShop Shopping Cart extension. You can configure it so that each time someone makes payment using the configured forms, the plugin will generate voucher code with the payment amount in EShop. The voucher code will be sent to users (or any users the payer want) and then the users can use that voucher code to receive discount while purchasing products in EShop.

Please read more about it here docs.joomdonation.com/paymentform/plugin...t-form-eshop-voucher

2. Add Quote History Management.

From this version, customer can manage their own quote history from the front-end side. So if admin enable Quote History Management, the from the Customer page, shoppers can view their quote history and quote details.

3. Add EShop Orders Module.

This module displays list of latest orders from EShop at the back-end side so admin's store can see the latest orders from the Control Panel of Joomla without going to EShop component.

4. Improve Quote Cart Mode.

From this version, admin's store can set the Quote Cart mode as Public, Only Registered Users or Hide from Global Configuration or per product.

5. Improve Product Option Values.

When you add/assign option values to product, you can Publish/Unpublish option values as you want without needing to remove it.

6. Fix other issues:

- Fix canonical type
- Fix the issue with import / migrate users tools
- Fix small issue with Weight Shipping plugin
- Fix issue with display product sku
- Update Failed subject and content email
Release of EShop Shopping Cart extension, version 4.0.0 with the following great new features / improvements:

1. J2Store to EShop Migration.

As you maybe knew, J2Store Team gave an announcement about "Sunsetting J2Store Development" few weeks ago. Some of customers asked us about a way to migrate data from J2Store into EShop. So we decided to make a migration tool to migrate data from J2Store to EShop. So just by one click on "Migrate J2Store" tool, you can migrate the following J2Store data into EShop:

- Manufacturers
- Categories and corresponding images
- Options and Option Values
- Products and corresponding images
- Products downloadable files
- Products Relation
- Products Discount
- Products Options.
- Multilingual data.

2. Process Order Improvements.

So beside of processing statuses "Pending" and "Complete" of orders, since version 4.0.0, we add the features to process "Cancel" and "Failure" orders:

- If customer cancel an order, the system will call the cancel order task to change order status from "Pending" to "Cancel" and send the cancel notification email to admin's store.
- If a payment is failured, then system will change order status from "Pending" to "Failure" and send the failure notification email to admin's store.

These statuses and content of notification email can be configured.

3. Apply tax to Quote Cart.

Since version 4.0.0, we added the feature to apply the tax to products in Quote Cart mode. This is special useful for stores from Europe. So when customers add products to the Quote Cart, if they have tax class, then the tax amount will be applied and showed in Quote.

4. Some other improvements / fixes:

- Add Clear Cart button so customers can clear whole of cart as they want easily.
- Fix the issue of pagination links in filter results.
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1. Add Price Match feature.

Price Match feature allows customers to matching a lower product price from another store. So when customers are viewing a specific product in your store, if they find another store who is selling that exact same product with a lower price, then they have a form to send a Price Match Request to admin's store. Admin's store will receive a notification email with details of match price, match URL and contact with customers for a customised invoice.

This feature can be turned on/off from the EShop Configuration.

2. SEO Improvement - Canoncial link.

Add Canoncial link for category and product page. So if your store have multiple URLs for a category or product, then you can edit the category / product to enter a canoncial link for them. Canoncial link will be added to the pages to allow search engine to identify the main page and index that main page.

3. Modules Improvement.

- EShop Category module improvement to allow select which categories to display on the module.
- Fix the issues of EShop Product module to check available date and end date of products.

4. Shipping Improvement.

Add Min Weight parameter to all of shipping plugins. This parameter to identify the condition of minimum of cart weight to have a shipping plugin is available or not.

5. Invisible reCaptcha plugin support for Joomla 5.

Add a invisible reCaptcha plugin to support captcha for Joomla 5.

6. Other Improvements / Fixes:

- Report function improvement to add filter by category to Purchased Products Report.
- Fix issue for Filter products module.
- Fix the Dashboard to show correct number of all categories / manufacturers / products of store.
- Fix issue of EshopCustomer class when using Smart Search.
1. Improve performance.

In this version, we continue to improve performance of displaying products list by optimize the code to reduce the SQL queries. So EShop run fast and much better now, specially for big store.

2. Layout improvements.

+ Code improvement to move assets folder (include CSS, images, JavaScript) from components/com_eshop/assets/ to media/com_eshop/assets/
+ Use configurable fontawesome icons for Notify, Wishlist, Compare, Question, Email, PDF buttons.
+ Change styles of elements on products list and product details page to make them look nice.
+ Remove almost <p> tags

3. EShop Products module improvements.

+ Replace old slider script/layout by another better one. So slider of products can be setup easily and fully responsive.
+ Improve default layout, make the better display better by some new style.
+ Optimize the module to reduce the code, improve the performance.

4. Cart module / Quote module update.

+ Both of modules can work together on same page now.
+ Fix the issue of remove item from Quote module.

5. Payment plugins / Shipping plugins fixes and improvements.

+ Add Itemid to the link to process payment of all payment plugins.
+ Fix the issue or credit card payment plugin.
+ Fix the issue of CyberSource and PayFast payment plugins.
+ Update shipping plugins to store correct shipping title to order.

6. Other improvements:

+ Download Products update to allow customers to download products if order status is Complete or Shipped.
+ Fix the issue of Minimum / Maximum quantity products.
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Reactions: MarkDragon
Version: 3.7.1 Last Updated: Sep 25 2023 Compatible: Joomla 3.9.0+, Joomla 4.x
Version: 3.7.0 Last Updated: Jun 22 2023 Compatible: Joomla 3.9.0+, Joomla 4.x
Version: 3.6.4 Last Updated: Mar 15 2023 Compatible: Joomla 3.9.0+, Joomla 4.x
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Reactions: tatar221
Version: 3.6.3
Last updated: 14 January 2023
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Reactions: tatar221 and zafro
Version: 3.6.2
Last updated: 11 November 2022
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Reactions: tatar221 and zafro