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EShop Import Pro

EShop Import Pro 3.0.0


EShop Import Pro is a great tool which is developed by developers of EShop, allows you to import data from Excel files into EShop. With the power of Microsoft Excel and EShop Import Pro extension, you will save your hours/days of work to add data for your store. Just select the your Excel file and click on Process Import button, then you are DONE!

How to import
To import the data from Excel file into EShop use EShop Import Pro tool, all things that you need to do is preparing the Excel file as input data for importing.

By using EShop Import Pro tool, you can import all of data types (categories, manufacturers, products, images, options, attributes) with just one Excel file. The system will import these data types separately, then assign products to the corresponding categories, manufacturers, options, attributes, images properly.

Please go to our Documentation to read more about how to import at: http://eshopdocs.joomservices.com/eshop-import-pro/how-to-import
We also prepared some very clear examples to show you how to import: http://eshopdocs.joomservices.com/eshop-import-pro/examples

While preparing the import data, if you need any helps, our support staff will help you.
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Reactions: Tawfiq
  • Version 3.0.0
  • Downloads 45
  • Views 461
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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