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Eorder - Multitenant Restaurant / Food Ordering Website (SAAS)

Eorder - Multitenant Restaurant / Food Ordering Website (SAAS) 3.0 NULLED

Version 3.0 – Released on 18th October, 2024​

- 9 payment gateways added
- Phonepe
- Midtrans
- iyzico
- Xendit
- toyyibpay
- PayTabs
- myFatoorah
- Yoco
- Perfect Money
- added image removal option for feature section of home page in Tenant Dashboard
- Fixed: subscription duration issue in checkout page for monthly plans
- Fixed: decimal input issue during adding food item
- Fixed: after search , item names get blank in POS
- Fixed: Category selection in item edit page
- Fixed: Breadcrumb loading issue in main website
- Meta title added for blog posts of main website
- Fixed: FAQ error in Tenant