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Elemailer 4.1.7 NULLED

= 4.1.7 =
* Fix: Floating button text visible in editor
* Fix: Fatal error due to REQUEST_METHOD
* Tweak: Compatibility with latest Elementor releases
* Tweak: Compatibility with latest WordPress releases
= 4.1.6 =
* Fix: Fatal error with updated elementor due to experiment
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 4.1.2 =
* Fix: Fixed multiple fatal errors and php warnings
* Fix: Posts widget and selected posts flicker issue
* Fix: Removed selected posts taxonomy control
* Fix: Fixed CSS issue removing overflow: auto; from email css file
* Fix: License warning showed in non admin user dashboard
* Fix: Image widget gap issue
* Tweak: Posts widget and selected posts optimization
* New: WPML Translation system for WC emails
* New: Polylang Translation system for WC emails
= 4.1.1 =
* Fix: Compatibility with the next release of Elementor
= 4.1.0 =
* New: Typography control in many widgets with web-safe fonts
* New: New Pause, Resume, Terminate system for emails
* New: Search widgets in editor panel
* Tweak: Added Border radius & Hover control for button
* Tweak: Added Border radius for image
* Tweak: Deprecated old font size, line height controls
* Tweak: Fixed issue with XSS plugin
* Tweak: Editor UI fixes
* Tweak: Only load/paste Elemailer widgets in editor
* Tweak: Open in new tab for preview and back in iframe
* Tweak: Removed Double-opt in & Welcome email for imported subscribers
* Tweak: Removed Elementor editor top bar experiment
* Tweak: Performance improvement for Latest Posts & Selected posts widget
* Fix: Fixed issue for bulk email sending, now works via wp-cron
* Fix: Table sorting & searching not working as expected
* Fix: Fixed few php errors
* Fix: Some styles not same in email vs site preview
* Fix: Remove Elementor kit & other styles from editor view to avoid confusion
* Fix: Compatibility issue with latest Elementor update
= 4.0.14 =
* New: HTML widget
* Tweak: AI support for different widget and CSS controls
* Tweak: Changed some control descriptions
* Fix: Fixed section control issue due to elementor update
* Fix: Removed Global panel from left editor panel as we should
* Fix: Stats Reply to mail wrong
= 4.0.12 =
* Fix: Template not saved if Latest posts widget used
* Fix: Typo in some files
= 4.0.10 =
* Fix: Flicker in WC emails list
* Fix: Duplicate ignoring email from reply from setting
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Reactions: tatar221
= 4.0.8 =
* New: Added Unsubscribed and total in Lists
* New: Added Internal status and List status seperately for clearity
* Tweak: DB query
* Tweak: Fixed type for DB update for unsubscribed
* Tweak: Prepare Edit subscriber future update
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Reactions: tatar221