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Easy Forms: Advanced Form Builder & Manager PHP

Easy Forms: Advanced Form Builder & Manager PHP 2.2.1 NULLED

22.11.2024 - ver 2.2.1
- Added: Form Widget. Edit form entries by using hash id (sid)
- Improved: i18n messages
- Improved: Dynamic Content. Show Signature Image by Default
- Improved: Conditions Builder Widget
- Improved: Form Manager. "Open Form" button
- Improved: Form Builder. Allow html code in pagination buttons
- Improved: Form Builder. Add Pagination Buttons to Canvas.
- Improved: Form Builder. Matrix Field > Custom Attributes.
- Improved: Form Builder. Implements Prepend, Append and Input Group CSS Class
- Improved: Form Builder. Improves Design of Image Choices (Radio & Checkbox)
- Improved: Form Builder. Display saving data error alert with BS5 Toast
- Improved. Form Builder. Customize form-select design via form-control settings.
- Improved. Form Builder. Adds tools to customize the design of Input Groups
- Improved: Form Builder. Design Panel > Pagination buttons > Margin & Padding
- Improved: Form Builder. Design Panel > Form Control > Focus > Text Color
- Improved. Form Builder. Design Panel > Field Validation
- Improved: Form Builder. Design Panel > Font Selector with styles and weights.
- Fixed: Disabled form message is not displayed correctly
- Fixed: Submission Manager > Upload Files
- Fixed: Show / Hide Internation Phone Number with Conditional Rules
- Fixed: Display validation errors with Krajee File Input UI widget
- Fixed: Form Page Settings > Favicon (Upload and Delete)
- Fixed: Adding sid=0 to a form URL causes a 500 error
- Fixed: Validation error message when we send text in Number fields
- Updated vendors
10.09.2024 - ver 2.2
- Added: Confirmation Settings > Show message as Custom HTML
- Added: DOI Settings > Show Opt-In message as Custom HTML
- Added: Auto-suggest tool in Opt-In message
- Added: User ID to Field Mapping
- Added: Submission Details: Show / Hide Empty Fields, DOI Status, Sender Info tool
- Added: Display Add-On custom content in Submission Details page
- Added: Notification Settings > Disable / Enable Rich Editor in Email Messages
- Added: UI Widget: jSuites Input Mask (Currency)
- Improved: Star Rating UI Widget (Multi languages and themes)
- Improved: Submission Manager > Show / Hide Columns Tool
- Improved: Submission Manager > Bulk Actions
- Improved: Submission Report Builder (Browser memory)
- Improved: Submission Manager when a Signature field has invalid data
- Improved: Italian translation
- Improved: Site Emails configuration fields
- Improved: Form Page: Display a custom alert via url params (type & message)
- Improved: Auto-Suggest Tool design
- Improved: Field List for Field Mapping (Compatible with Auto-Suggest Tool)
- Improved: CC and BCC support multiple email addresses with empty spaces
- Improved: Ignore OSX folders in Add-On Manager
- Fixed: Form tracker issue when referrer query has more than 100 characters
- Fixed: Copy / Import Forms: "created_by" validation error
- Fixed: 2FA modal form issue
- Fixed: Report Builder > Row chart issue
- Fixed: REST API to retrieve form submission and choice field
- Fixed: Rule Engine: Use formula result in another rule
- Fixed: Share Form By Email > Unknown cc field
- Fixed: Installation in French language
- Fixed: Create Template with PHP 8.2
- Fixed: Pagination of Grid View with filters
- Removed: Virtual Fields in {{ submission_table }} and Submission receipt
- Updated vendors
14.03.2024 - ver 2.0.5
- Added: Display Radio Button Group and Checkbox Group as Buttons
- Added: Dynamic Content > Modifier / Virtual Field (Selected Labels)
- Added: REST API: Get Submissions > Multi-Choice Field Answers > Answer Labels
- Added: DepDrop widget to be used in the entire application.
- Added: Event: Form is submitted (Edit Submission
- Added: MailHelper. Configure From name with add-ons
- Improved: Matomo Device Detector compatibility
- Improved: Event: Form is submitted (New Submission)
- Fixed: Forms > Add-Ons > Actions button
- Fixed: Incompatibility between Submission created and PayPal payment received
- Fixed: Export Submissions as MS Excel file
- Fixed: Duplicate form. Form name is used to generate slug
- Fixed: Form Builder: Custom Attributes design
- Fixed: Form Builder > NPS Field (Label alignment).
- Fixed: Hide Radio Button with conditional rules
- Fixed: Amazon SES Transport > Reply-To email address in Notification Settings
- Updated vendors
02.10.2023 - ver 2.0
- Added: PHP 8.2 Support
- Added: Bootstrap 5 Theme Design
- Added: UI Notifications
- Added: Submission Manager: Send notification when a submission is created or updated
- Added: Support to Heic / Heif images format validation
- Added: Create New Button
- Added: Site Settings > Open Source licenses page
- Added: Search box for user selection in the entire system
- Added: Font Awesome 5 PRO library
- Improved: Bootstrap 5 Form Builder
- Improved: Form Manager. Name links to Form Page
- Improved: Form Widget: Form Validation
- Improved: Form Page: Wider form layout
- Improved: Form Analytics. Disables ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY before processing queries
- Improved: File Validation (PHP 8.2 support)
- Improved: Migration files compatible with utf8mb4 and utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci in new installations
- Improved: German translation
- Improved: Disallow access to .git folder
- Improved: Mail Settings > Brevo
- Improved: Event Helper (display different events in different sections)
- Fixed: Dashboard: Division by zero
- Fixed: Run console commands
- Fixed: "Remember me" feature
- Removed: Bootstrap 3 Theme Design
- Removed: Mail Settings > PHP option
- Updated vendors
06.04.2023 - ver 1.18.4
- Added: Submission Manager > Send email notification when Notification Settings > Email field is selected
- Improved: i18n messages
- Improved: Excludes Matrix fields from Submission Report
- Improved: Order in which modules are loaded
- Improved: Submission Manger: Signature pad
- Fixed: Save SMTP account with PHP 8.1.
- Fixed: Design issue in Form Page with RTL layout
- Fixed: Application command line
- Fixed: Form Builder: Revert change to encode HTML code as UTF-8
- Removed: Drop support for PHP mail() function
- Updated vendors
07.01.2023 - ver 1.18.2
- Added: Conditional logic with Time fields
- Added: Date field. Min and Max Validation with Relative Date
- Improved: NPS field with responsive design
- Fixed: Conditional Validation and Matrix Fields
- Fixed: Form Builder: PageBreak component in canvas
- Fixed: Form Submission: Undefined index "name"
- Fixed: RBAC. Allow Form Submit in Private Form with "Shared with" access
- Fixed: RBAC. Form Submit as anonymous user
- Fixed: Form's page logo title
- Fixed: Copy Forms (Confirmation Rules and PDF Templates)
- Fixed: Tiny Editor in Form Builder
- Fixed: Compatibility with Field Encryption add-on (Decrypt data in Form widget)
- Fixed: Rule Engine. Select list multiple is present or blank
- Fixed: i18n strings in embed popup form
- Fixed: 2FA. Google Authenticator shows Application Name after scan QR code