v2.8.2 - 21/12/2022
* Notice: from January 31, 2023 Dynamic.ooo will require Elementor > v3.3.0 and, if used, Elementor Pro > v3.3.0
* Tweak: "Add to Cart" item on Dynamic Products and Dynamic Posts now supports Ajax action
* Tweak: Add the filter dynamicooo/remote-content/html-element for filtering the remote content
* Tweak: Dynamic Posts, Accordion skin accessibility improvements
* Tweak: PDF Button, HTML converter, for CSS customizations while the PDF is being fetched the button now is assigned the fetching-pdf class
* Fix: ACF Repeater - Accordion Skin was not working properly in frontend when Improved CSS Loading was active
* Fix: PHP error appearing in some case with Dynamic Visibility and recent versions of Elementor
* Fix: PDF button, JS converter error when document is slightly larger than one page
* Fix: Dynamic Posts, the Term Meta Query filter was triggering a PHP error
* Fix: Dynamic Posts: the query "Specific Posts" didn't order the posts on DESC order
* Fix: In the Elementor Pro Form, the value of the Hidden Label set in a field like Live HTML was not fresh
* Minor Fixes