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Updates: v 3.3.2 —- December 4th, 2024
1. Update missing translation files
2 . Custom field styling issues fixed.
3. TikTok icons were not shown correctly.
4. Fixed some ticket-buying process issues.
1. Categories-based Alert option.
1. Updated all theme plugins.
2. Checked with the latest WordPress.
Updates: v 3.3.0 —- August 15th, 2024
1 - Add WordPress's latest version compatibility.
2 - Updated the WooCommerce version in the theme.
3 - Updated all theme plugins.
1 - Fixed minor styling issues.
2 - Fixed the user-reported issues.
3 - Fixed the commission issue in ticket buying.
Categories-based Listing Alert option.
Updates: v 3.2.7 —- March 7th, 2023
Added Event Speakers feature.
1) Added an option for the Remaining package plan. Users can check details about the number of remaining listings on their dashboard.
2) Resolved the pricing issue of the appointment system.
3) Resolved Styling issues of the appointment system.
4) Resolved issues related to the tickets system.
5) Listing Expiry Email not sending issue resolved.
6) Rearrange Images issue fixed.
7) Compatible with WordPress 6.1.1.
8 ) Compatible with updated plugins.
9) Minor CSS fixes.
10) Minor JS fixes.
Updates: v 3.2.5 —- November 11th, 2022
1: Compatible with updated WordPress.
2: Compatible with updated plugins.
3: InBuild Event Ticketing System added.
4: Authors can sell tickets to events.
5: Users can purchase tickets for events.
6: Option is available for admin commission on ticket price.
7: The payment system is based on the WooCommerce payment system.
8: Now users can reactive all expired listings.
9: Author assignment issue fixed
10: Minor CSS fixes.
11: Minor JS fixes.