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Dracula Dark Mode (PRO)

Dracula Dark Mode (PRO) 1.2.7 NULLED

= 1.2.7 (26-01-2025) =
* **New:** Added custom element trigger option to toggle dark mode.
* **Fix:** Fixed conflicts with the Dark Reader browser extension.
= 1.2.4 (09-09-2024) =
* New: Added floating toggle position setting for admin dashboard dark mode.
* New: Added keyboard accessible supports for the dark mode toggle buttons.
* New: Added hide elements settings to hide any specific elements in a post/ page in dark mode.
* Fix: Fixed string not translate-able issue.
* Update: Improved overall plugin performance.
  • Like
Reactions: jean_eudes
= 1.2.0 (13-03-2024) =
* **New:** Added dark mode custom color presets builder.
* **New:** Added Reading Mode excludes settings.
* **New:** Added dark mode exclude taxonomies settings to exclude posts, pages, or custom post types based on taxonomies.
* **New:** Added move icon for draggable toggle.
* **New:** Added Reading Mode button label text show/hide option.
* **New:** Added option to enable/disable the auto-save settings..
* **Fix:** Fixed shortcode not rendering in the reading mode content..
* **Fix:** Fixed dark mode menu toggle size not working in the free version.
* **Fix:** Fixed Reading Mode progress bar display issue.
* **Update:** Improved dark mode algorithm.
* **Update:** Improved overall plugin performance & security.