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Dokan Pro - Best Multivendor Marketplace Plugin

Dokan Pro - Best Multivendor Marketplace Plugin 3.16.2 NULLED Business

- **new:** [Elementor] Single store page Featured, Latest, Best-selling, Top-rated products widget for Elementor module
- **new:** Introduced a new filter hook named `dokan_progressbar_translated_string`
- **new:** Product Inline Edit Support Catalog Mode for Products
- **new:** [Booking] Added Catalog Mode support for Booking Products
- **new:** [RequestAQuote] Added Catalog Mode support

- **update:** Implement new category UI in product Quick edit and bulk edit in vendor dashboard.
- **update:** Load asset (css/js) files only on required pages

- **fix:** Skrill payment gateway shows disconnect button for new vendors even though it is not connected.
- **fix:**[WireCard/Moip] Wirecard payment gateway showed under vendor withdraw options when the module is enabled regardless of the payment method enabled in WooCommerce
- **fix:** Delete coupon cache for marketplace coupon after seller account has been deleted.
- **fix:** [MangoPay] KYC documents were being `Out of Date` in some cases.
- **fix:** PHP warning for vendor shipment status email template
- **fix:** [Geolocation] Filter by the vendor wasn't working if the Show Filters Before Location Map setting is turned off from the Geolocation admin setting
- **fix:** Updated Pending Product - email was sent for already published products if the setting is enabled for a vendor: Publish Product Directly.
- **fix:** [Stripe Express] Error on adding payment method from My Account -> Add Payment Method page when the gateway setup process wasn't completed.
- **fix:** [StripeConnect] Fixed redirect URL mismatch with stripe oAuth redirect URL
- **fix:** [OrderMinMax] Fixed fatal error while calling filter product API from Request a Quote module
- **fix:** [ProductAdvertisement] Fixed 3 warnings on the home page if the Product advertisement module is active
- **fix:** [Elementor] Fixed single store page products broken layout of elementor widgets on storefront theme
- **fix:** [VendorSubscription] Categories restriction wasn't working when restrict categories was enabled from vendor subscription product.
- **fix:** [StripeConnect] Fixed invalid redirect url issue after vendor connect their account with stripe
- **fix:** [RMA] fixed fatal error while purchasing booking product if rma module is active
- **fix:** [DeliveryTime] Added translation support for Delivery Time Calendar
- **fix:** [Refund] Translation issue on refund required parameters
- **fix:** [RequestAQuote] change text permanent delete to Delete Permanently
- **fix:** [RequestAQuote] Search for the product wasn't working while creating new Quotes or new Quote rules
- **fix:** [VendorStaff] Removed unfiltered_html capabilities from vendor_staff role
- **fix:** Changing withdraw method doesn't always show Withdraw Method Changed Modal window for withdraw disbursement feature under Dokan admin settings.
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