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DogeLab - Cloud DogeCoin Mining Platform ViserLab

DogeLab - Cloud DogeCoin Mining Platform ViserLab 2.0 NULLED


DogeLab NULLED, a laravel made Cloud Dogecoin mining platform that enables a great opportunity to create your own Dogecoin mining website. worlds becoming cashless and crypto becoming popular day by day. it’s an $8 Billion industry currently. a lot of people now interest to run their Doge mining platform. we got hundreds of requests to develop such items and we collect idea’s from some of our clients and other websites, we have the intention to update it, but it depends on your choice, depends on sale, depends on update request.

Are you looking for a complete Doge mining solution system for your business, then you are in the right place. No need to pay thousands of dollars to hire developers to build your Doge Website. DogeLab is a complete cloud mining platform, that gives profits to users by following rules set by the admin. DogeLab is easily installable, controllable through the admin panel, comes with responsive design, high security, interactive User interface. support plugins, LiveChat, automatic payment gateway and more.

Highlighted Features​

- Automatic Payment gateway with easy currencies setup.
- Functionality is Simple and all Dynamic Features.
- Easy Documentation.
- Regular updates facilities.
- Support modern browser and cross-browser compatibility.
- Strong and powerful admin interface.
- A clean and modern user interface.
- Premium and quick support.

User Dashboard Features​

- Responsive Design (Work with all devices).
- Well Decorated Home & Inner pages.
- Login via Doge wallet ID.
- Automatic Deposit method.
- Deposit Logs.
- Withdrawal Method.
- Withdraw Logs.
- Referal System.
- Referal Logs.
- And more….

Admin Features​

- Accounts Managemant.
- Active Accounts.
- Banned Accounts.
- Deposits Managemant.
- Referral Logs.
- Mining Tracks Managemant.
- Withdrawals Managemant.
- General Setting.
- Payment Gateway Managemant.
- Logo Icon Setting.
- Extensions Managemant.
- Language Managemant.
- SEO Manager.
- Email Manager.
- FAQ Section Managemant.
- Policy Pages.
- Social Links.
- Top Investor Section.
- And more…

Built for the future​

Using the best, future-proof, and secure stack are known to the world: bootstrap, laravel framework, jQuery.
2.0 NULLEDVersion
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. DogeLab v2.0 NULLED - Cloud DogeCoin Mining Platform

    Version 2.0 – 18th November 2022 [ADD] Strong Reporting [ADD] Controllable language system...

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