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Docly - Documentation And Knowledge Base WordPress Theme with bbPress Helpdesk Forum

Docly - Documentation And Knowledge Base WordPress Theme with bbPress Helpdesk Forum 2.1.3 NULLED

2.1.3 (30 September 2024)

Fixed: Topic tag page was showing all the topics not showing by the current tag
Fixed: Blog, Shop, and footer list item design issue
Fixed: WooCommerce Outdate template file
Fixed: FAQs content gap
Fixed: Title typography, color, and description text color in the Alert box widget
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Reactions: Kensei1212
2.1.0 (08 November 2023)

Fixed: Hide Draft Docs From ajax search result
Fixed: Mobile menu dropdown item
----- 2.0.7 (30 December 2022) -----
Fixed: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function eazydocs_get_option() in /docly/template- parts/header-elements/search_banner.php:13
Updated: Demo content xml file updated from the new server
2.0.5 (06 December 2022)

Fixed: Search form issue solved
Fixed: Single doc dark mode text color issues solved
New: Added faq terms in the search result
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Reactions: tatar221