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DJ-Toc - Table of Contents for YOOTheme Page Builder

DJ-Toc - Table of Contents for YOOTheme Page Builder 1.8


Looking to Streamline Content Navigation on Your Joomla Website?
This table of contents plugin is a feature for YOOtheme PRO that allows you to generate an automatic table of contents in articles based on headers h1 to h6. It works perfectly for long texts, such as terms and conditions, privacy policies, etc.

This is particularly useful for blogs, documentation pages, and long articles where finding particular information can be challenging. By integrating a table of contents, you can significantly improve your site's readability and user experience.

DJ-TOC plugin works only with YOOTheme Page Builder!

Customizable Styles and Icons for Each Table of Contents Level​

Enhance your website’s navigation with DJ-TOC by customizing the table of contents to perfectly match your site’s design. With DJ-TOC, you can easily apply unique styles to each level of your table of contents. Additionally, assign specific icons to each level, ensuring a visually appealing and highly functional navigation tool that improves user experience and keeps visitors engaged.

DJ-TOC offers a wide range of customization options that allow you to style each level of the table of contents individually. You can choose from different icons, colors, and styles, enabling you to create a table of contents that enhances navigation and blends seamlessly with your website's overall design. This ensures that your table of contents is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Customizable Progress Bar Styles in Your Table of Contents​

With DJ-TOC, you can enhance the visual appeal of your progress bar by customizing its height and color in the element settings. Tailor these features to match your website's design, providing a seamless and engaging user experience.
DJ-TOC's significant advantage is its ability to customize the progress bar. You can select colors that match your site's palette and adjust the bar's height to make it prominent and readable. A personalized progress bar looks attractive and helps users track their progress through long articles.

Customizable Header Styles in Table of Contents Addon for YOOtheme​

DJ-TOC allows you to define the appearance of headers, ensuring they align with your website's aesthetic. Customize the style, font, and color of headers to create a cohesive and visually appealing table of contents.
Customizing headers is a crucial aspect of personalizing your table of contents. You can choose from various fonts, colors, and styles, allowing you to create a table of contents that is functional and in harmony with the rest of your site's content. DJ-TOC gives you complete control over how headers are displayed in the table of contents.
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  • Version 1.8
  • Downloads 29
  • Views 282
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  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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