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(+) 'Payment return redirect map' param
(+) 'Ignore active Itemid' SEO param
(+) 'Itemid of Item page' SEO param
(+) global config params reordering
(+) global config 'Redirects' tab
(+) Ad preview 'Only in new ad' option
(+) field's 'Show assigned values only - include category' param
(+) quickicon component's configuration link
(+) 'Users can delete ads with category limit' param
(+) category icon display in header in category page
(+) search module 'Default location' param
(+) search module 'Hide 1. level of location' param
(+) search module 'Use active Itemid for results page' param
(+) items module 'Show empty fields' override param
(!) admin new item category fields loading FIX
(!) not empty geocoordinates check FIX
(!) admin profiles images display FIX
(!) 'Users can delete archived ads' in item FIX
(!) region route alias in full path display FIX
(!) item db error in 3rd party plugins FIX
(!) items layout with yootheme plugin FIX
(!) points payment showing up for recurring plans FIX
(!) canonical tags using active itemid FIX
(!) 'Show assigned values only' no values display FIX
(!) admin j3 duration edit js error FIX
(!) items lists show distance if no coordinates FIX
(!) blog show desc header if no intro desc FIX
(!) PHP 8.2.x deprecated FIX
(!) bank transfer payment duplicated currency in email FIX
(!) item menu item 'use global' empty option FIX
(!) additem images override compatibility FIX
(!) items lists column default values FIXES
(!) item name length over 191 update error FIX
(!) field's 'Linked value' for profiles FIX
(!) items tooltip border styling FIX
(!) search module results Itemid FIX
(!) search module search results ajax plugin route FIX
(!) search module j3 'autocomplete' js error FIX
(!) maps module 'L.markerClusterGroup is not a constructor' FIX
(!) user menu module favourites list routing FIX
(!) warning info if joomla user registration disabled
(!) lists sort values params with [none] option
(!) items list sort opts reordering
(!) sprintf %s support in reg/cat header selector
(!) admin fields field icon display
(!) admin plans 'recurring' info icon display
(!) cpanel no list warning show condition change
(!) emails disabled by admin check before email send
(!) seo item menu item support in URL
(!) admin fields category field 'All categories' icon
(!) active Itemid ignored in modules
(!) blog layout calc height script optimization
(!) plan name language constant support
(!) buynow unit name language constant support in item
(!) list sort options display improvement
(!) smart table no details section layout improvement
(!) missing menu items cats params overrides added
(!) items list header helper classes added
(!) plans view module positions added
(!) redirect after payment improvements
(!) admin profile image moved to a new tab
(!) additem points package info override compatibility
(!) j4 menu items basic switch params layout change
(!) admin coupon edit page layout improvements
(!) seo item/profile header params in menu items
(!) modal checkboxes js event trigger improvement
(!) items module config layout improvements
(!) items module type displayed next to the title
(!) maps module config layout improvements
(!) maps module leaflet markercluster js ver. update
(!) menu module 'se_cats' URL var support
(!) styling tweaks
(!) lang fixes