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Divi Builder

Divi Builder 4.27.3

version 4.23 ( updated 10-19-2023 )
- Introduced Divi Code AI, a personal coding assistant for Divi.
version 4.22.2 ( updated 09-20-2023 )
- Changed Twitter Icon and Twitter references to X.
- Fixed Heading module various style options not applying correctly.
- Improved the reference image retrieval method to allow better support for external images.
- Improved AI Menu positioning in some cases.
- Fixed issue where Background Images added on Columns do not fetch Reference Image automatically.
- Fixed AI quick action submenu position in Wireframe mode.
- Fixed new child item does not have the Divi AI button in module settings.
- Fixed issue where reset button in background image field were not resetting the preview .
- Fixed issue where quick action menu was showing even when input field has default value.
- Added filters for non-supported upload fields to support AI.
- Added filters for third-party modules to enable/disable AI buttons on fields.
- Fixed issue where images were not generated for hover and responsive options.
- Improved ET product update requests to avoid issues that occurred during rate limiting.
- Fixed an issue with translations that caused PHP errors/warnings in some languages.
version 4.22.1 ( updated 08-18-2023 )
- Added Option To Disable Divi AI In The Role Editor.
- Automatically convert and compress images generated by Divi AI to prevent large PNG images.
- Fixed Generate 4 more AI images action that wasn't working in some cases.
- Added AI button to toggle module.
- Fixed a PHP fatal error that occurred due to a compatibility issue with WPML's Automatic Translation and the Woo Product Stock module.
- Added permission check on Divi AI script load.
- Added a new "Writable et-cache Directory" setting for the system diagnostic report in Support Center.
version 4.21.2 ( updated 07-31-2023 )
- Fixed a bug where export did not work correctly in the Backend Builder when the Post Content was used in the Theme Builder layout.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Contact Form module field option "Allowed Symbols" to not work correctly in Chrome.
- Fixed broken color picker in builder after upgrading to WordPress 6.3.
- Fixed JavaScriot Uncaught ReferenceError: pagenow is not defined in Portability.
- Removed unwanted Export To Divi Cloud button from the Theme Options export modal.
- Fix video embed deprecated file notice.
* core/admin/css/core.css
* core/admin/js/portability.js
* core/components/PageResource.php
* core/components/Portability.php
* core/functions.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/module/ContactFormItem.php
* includes/template-tags.php
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Reactions: edgars221289
version 4.21 ( updated 04-21-2023 )
- Add local and Divi Cloud libraries for Theme Options
* cloud/i18n/library.php
* common/admin.php
* common/i18n/library.php
* common/init.php
* common/lib/local-library.js
* common/library.php
* core/admin/css/support-center.css
* core/admin/images/blurb-vip.jpg
* core/code-snippets/api.php
* core/code-snippets/code-snippets-app.php
* core/code-snippets/code-snippets-library-local/CodeSnippetsLibraryLocal.php
* core/code-snippets/code-snippets-library.php
* core/components/PageResource.php
* core/components/Portability.php
* core/components/SupportCenter.php
* core/components/init.php
* core/i18n/library.php
* core/item-library-local/ItemLibraryLocal.php
* epanel/core_functions.php
* epanel/css/panel.css
* epanel/i18n/epanel.php
* epanel/i18n/library.php
* epanel/js/functions-init.js
* epanel/postcss.config.js
* epanel/theme-options-library/ThemeOptionsLibrary.php
* epanel/theme-options-library/api.php
* epanel/theme-options-library/constants.php
* epanel/theme-options-library/post/type/ThemeOptions.php
* epanel/theme-options-library/theme-options-library-app.php
* epanel/theme-options-library/theme-options-library-local/ThemeOptionsLibraryLocal.php
* epanel/theme-options-library/theme-options.php
* epanel/webpack.config.js
* includes/builder/autoload.php
* includes/builder/feature/SplitLibrary.php
* includes/builder/feature/local-library.php
* includes/builder/framework.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/helpers.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/theme-builder/api.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/theme-builder/theme-builder-library-local/ThemeBuilderLibraryLocal.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/theme-builder/theme-builder-library.php
version 4.20.4 ( updated 04-03-2023 )
- Fixed Divi Cloud configuration error.
* cloud/cloud-app.php
version 4.20.1 ( updated 03-06-2023 )
- Fixed Widget Area Creator panel not rendering in Widget Block Editor.
- Fixed issue allowing users to switch to default editor when creating a new post.
- Fixed unable to switch to Default Editor when creating new post.
- Fixed white space issue on top and bottom of embedded media.
- Fixed a JavaScript error that occurred in some cases when switching the Block Editor from Visual to Code or vice-versa.
- Fixed compatibility issue for WordPress 6.2 that affected the Edit Post/Page page.
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Reactions: edgars221289
version 4.19.5 ( updated 01-25-2023 )
- Fixed order of icon font loading as .woff should be loaded before .ttf as it's a better format and is supported across modern browsers.
- Fixed unexpected behavior of Global Colors when using undo/redo buttons in Visual Builder.
- Fixed Global Colors rendering for Specialty Columns in Visual Builder.
- Fixed issue where global colors not working in VB for button.
- Fixed Global Colors usage in fields borders settings.
- Fixed Social Media Follow module text being shown in the excerpt inside Blog Module, when excerpt is empty and Blog module is using content as excerpt.
- Fixed issue where countdown timer title margin remains visible when the title is empty.
- Fixed an issue where sticky elements would not work due to a JavaScript error that occurred in some rare cases.
- Fixed nested list bullets styling issue for ol and ul list types.
- Improved presets saving performance in Visual Builder.
- Fixed modal not closing after clicking use this layout on Theme Builder.
- Fixed Global Colors preview in Edit mode.
- Fixed bug where backup exists popup shows every time when opening Theme Builder.
- Fixed an issue where the canonical link would get duplicated in some cases.
- Fixed illegal string offset user and API key when saving on the Updates tab.
- Fixed Global Colors not properly exporting from the Divi Library in some cases.
- Fixed BOM character included file can not be imported.
- Fixed an issue where the Divi parent style would not be correctly enqueued in some cases when child themes were used.
* core/components/Portability.php
* epanel/core_functions.php
* epanel/custom_functions.php
* functions.php
* includes/builder/feature/dynamic-assets/assets/js/src/sticky-element.js
* includes/builder/feature/global-presets/History.php
* includes/builder/feature/global-presets/Settings.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/theme-builder/theme-builder.php
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/scripts/utils/sticky.js
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Reactions: gsu421
version 4.19.3 ( updated 12-13-2022 )
- Improved Presets storage and performance.
- Fixed issue where you could not remove or restore items from Local VB Library.
- Fixed server errors when uploading items to the Cloud Server in some cases.
- Fixed a PHP fatal error that occurred on GoDaddy websites due to a change in the GD System plugin's cache class.
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Reactions: tatar221