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DinoNode - Powerful Game Hosting Template

DinoNode - Powerful Game Hosting Template 2.0.0


After a long time, I’ve decided to redesign the DinoNode template. Existing clients who already own the previous DinoNode template will be able to purchase this update as an addon.
In this version, everything has been enhanced, starting from the basics:
  1. Updated versions of Bootstrap and jQuery
  2. Replaced Owl Slider with a superior SwiperJS
  3. Added animations for dropdowns
  4. Replaced the static image with a dynamic slider
  5. New games have been added
  6. A functional blog system integrated with JSON
  7. Set up a contact form
  8. Compressed and optimized images
  9. Many new SVG graphics have been included
Interesting scripts, along with extensive documentation, which will help you easily understand the code and modify it to your liking.
This version emphasizes clarity and professionalism while keeping the details intact.