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Delete Customer Account | GDPR Compliance

PrestaShop Delete Customer Account | GDPR Compliance 5.1.0


Delete Customer Account extension allows the customers to delete their account from My Account section. Save time and efforts that you spend in managing the customers’ account deletion requests. Let customers delete their account themselves.

Delete Customer Account module is compatible with PrestaShop version 8.x.x and multi-store feature.

As per the GDPR compliance, a user can delete his/her account any time.

In default PrestaShop, customers have to send an email to the store admin to get their account deleted. Managing the account deletion requests can be sometimes a tedious process for the admins.

With PrestaShop Delete Customer Account module, the customers can now easily delete their account from the customer account. Now, they no longer need to send email and wait for the admin to delete their account.

Permanent Removal of Account

Enable customers to directly delete the account from the frontend. Under Delete Account in My Account section, the customer can view a “Delete Account” button.

On clicking this button, a popup appears where the customer has to enter the password and click on the delete button to permanently remove his account from the store. Once deleted, account deletion message will display on the store.

Account Deletion Request

The admin can make customers request for account deletion. Click on “Request to Delete” button under Delete Account. On clicking the button, a popup appears where the customer has to specify the reason for account deletion and then click on the confirm button. Once submitted, an email will be sent to the admin.

Reduce Admin’s Workload

Managing customers’ account deletion requests can be time-consuming for admins. They need to delete each customer’s account manually. Letting customers delete their account on their own will eliminate this manual work and save your time.
  • Version 5.1.0
  • Downloads 1
  • Views 23
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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