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Currency Switcher For WooCommerce

Currency Switcher For WooCommerce 1.9.4

2025-02-17 - version 1.9.4
* fix- Compatibility with Woo Conditional shipping and pricing (By Woo) (wooc-1934).
2024-09-12 - version 1.9.0
* new - Code Optimization.
* new - Compatibility with Woo Conditional shipping and pricing (By Woo).
* new - Compatibility with WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator (By SkyVerge).
* new - Integration with MaxMind Geolocation.
* new - Compatibility with Smart Custom Product Addons and Fields (By WPExperts).
* new - Compatibility with Dynamic And Role Based Pricing (By WPExperts).
* fix - Currency rate input box issue.
* fix - Woo Analytics order sync UI.
* fix - Compatibility with Tiered Pricing table (By u2code - Kolya Lukin).