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Content Egg - all in one plugin for Affiliate, Price Comparison, Deal sites

Content Egg - all in one plugin for Affiliate, Price Comparison, Deal sites 15.0.1 NULLED

== Version 15.0.1 ==
* Improvement: Added support for Claude 3.5 haiku.
== Version 13.0.0 ==
* New: AI features to generate unique product content.
* New: Clear, compact interface for CE metabox.
* New: Amazon NoAPI module: Promocodes support.
* New: 'Description only' template added.
* Improvement: Feed module limit increased to 50 individual feed modules.
* Improvement: Amazon module: Product features now uses as product description.
= Version 12.11.0 =
  • New: The Admitad coupons module can now return all coupons by advertiser ID.
  • New: Added large image format to the Pixabay module.
  • New: Preparation for integration with the GreenShift plugin.
  • New: Added an option in the Amazon NoAPI module to delegate the task of updating prices to the Amazon module via API.
  • New: Amazon NoAPI module: option to hide outdated prices.
  • New: Amazon module: option to hide prices.
  • New: Bol.com module: Migrated to the new Marketing Catalog API.
  • New: Support for Scrapeowl added to the AmazonNoAPI module.
  • Like
Reactions: MarkDragon
= 11.3.0 =
* Improvement: Aliexpress module: Migration to new API platform.
= 10.10.0 =
* New: Option to add Product/AggregateOffer markup to posts.
* New: Feed modules: XML mapping: xPath syntax is allowed.
= 10.7.0 =
* New: Ebay module: Search by URL/product ID.
* Fix: Ebay module: local redirects.

= 10.6.0 =
* New: Block template: Button with price comparison popup.
* New: Block template: Product card with price comparison popup.