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Community Quiz

Community Quiz 7.1.2

Community Quiz.jpg

Joomla! quiz component to create quizzes and courses in minutes with an advanced form builder, one-page quiz response forms, social integrations, and more.

Question Banks/Pools: Create question banks and use them in your quizzes. Assign a question to multiple question banks, if needed.
Google Sheets Integration: One-click integration with Google Sheets to automatically sync your responses data.
Courses & Quizzes: Create quizzes and build the course with a series of quizzes. Award certificate to users on completion of course or quiz.
Front-end & Back-end quiz creation through an Ajax-powered engine, creating quizzes is now a lot simpler and easier.
Unlimited multi-level categorization makes it easier to organize your quizzes
15 question types and several variations
- Page header
- Single selection radio buttons
- Multiple selection checkboxes
- Single selection combo boxes
- Image Hotspots
- Multi-row - Multi-Column radio grid questions
- Multi-row - Multi-Column checkbox grid questions
- Single row free text
- Multi-row text area
- Password
- Rich text box
- Select one image (radio)
- Select multiple images (checkbox)
- Match Questions and Answers
- File Uploads
Certificates: Create and award PDF certificates
Chained Quizzes: Chain multiple quizzes to allow users to take one quiz after completing other
Per answer marks: Assign marks for each correct answer and show the user the full report
Powerful permission system allows you to choose which Joomla user group to have access to functions such as component access, quiz creation, responding to the quiz, using WYSIWYG editor, etc.
Star rating system for rating quizzes
Question Description: each question may contain a description that you can enter through WYSIWYG editor/BBCode editor
Answer Explanation: Users can be shown the explanation of the answer why it is correct etc.
Extended Reports: Powerful reporting system. the consolidated report, all responses list, os report, device report, and location report.
Import & Export: Download full reports to JSON file. Export and Import quiz as JSON.
Tagging System: Tag quizzes for better organization.
Quiz Timer: Responses can be restricted to complete by a specified time duration.
Quiz Moderation: Review the quizzes submitted by your users before publishing them.
User Avatars: Sociable, CjForum, CjBlog, JomSocial, Community Builder, AlphaUser Points, Kunena, EasySocial
Activity Streams: Sociable, CjForum, JomSocial, and EasySocial activity stream
Points system to reward your users: Sociable, CjForum, CjBlog, AlphaUser points, JomSocial, and EasySocial points are supported.
Unlimited questions can be spanned through multiple pages and create, re-order, delete, etc operations using Ajax.
Email notifications about new quizzes to admins, quiz responses to the quiz creator
Beautiful UI: Attractive user interface and human-friendly dates and much more out of the box.
  • Version 7.1.2
  • Downloads 70
  • Views 694
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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