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CommerceLab Shop

CommerceLab Shop 1.0.1

Cloud Chief

CommerceLab Shop is the fastest, most versatile eCommerce solution for Joomla 4 available. It`s made for YOOtheme Pro and its flexible page builder, so you can build a beautiful online shop with ease.

Build your website around your products.​

Add products to any part of your website. Feature the product details in blogs or anywhere for that matter in your website.

Customize your cart and checkout to match.​

Make the sale with cart and checkout experiences that match the rest of your store.

Authentic shop designs = enthusiastic customer sales.​

Shop owners can focus on driving more traffic, sales funnels, earning more revenue.
  • Create multiple checkout flows tailored to your product types
  • Use Joomla custom fields to display the right product information
  • Easily add unique product variants & checkbox options
  • Built in JOomla SEO or use any Third party tools
  • User access controls and user group management system
  • Use shop add-ons to enhance your shop's functionality.
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