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ColorMag Pro

ColorMag Pro 5.0.14 NULLED

= Version 5.0.14 - 2025-02-04 =
* Added - Option to change enable and disable feature image, title, tag and excerpt in Elementor widget.
* Added - Option to change background color, padding and border radius in Elementor widget 6 and 7.
* Added - Option to disable category, title and tag in Elementor Grid widget style 1.
= Version 5.0.7 - 2024-12-19 =
* Added - Option to change widget view all button color, background and typography.
* Update - Compatibility with Elementor v3.26.
* Fix - TG: Widget style issue in footer.
* Fix - Breadcrumb enable issue.
= Version 5.0.5 - 2024-11-20 =
* Added - Option to change feature image size.
* Enhancement - Compatibility with Page Builder by SiteOrigin.
* Fix - TG: Featured Posts (Style 1 & Style 4) style issue.
* Fix - Post date color issue.
* Fix - Sidebar sticky issue.
* Fix - Offset background color issue.
= Version 5.0.2 - 2024-11-11 =
* Fix - Mobile logo issue.
* Tweak - New image webp image format added.
  • Like
Reactions: anton.petrov1
= Version 5.0.1 - 2024-10-25 =
* Fix - Open Sans font issue.
* Fix - Customizer CSS issues while using Classic Widget.
= Version 5.0.0 - 2024-10-22 =
* Added - New Header builder.
* Enhancement - Introduced a new visual Header Builder with drag and drop functionality.
* Added - Header Builder component - Site Title and Logo.
* Enhancement - Option to change color and typography for Site Title and Logo.
* Enhancement - Option to change enable/disable for Site Title and Logo.
* Added - Header Builder component - Primary Menu.
* Enhancement - Option to change color, background, padding, margin and typography for primary menu component.
* Enhancement - Option to change sub menu color, background, padding, border etc.
* Added - Header Builder component - Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary Menu.
* Enhancement - Option to change color and typography for secondary, tertiary and quaternary menu component.
* Enhancement - Option to change sub menu typography.
* Added - Header Builder component - Button.
* Enhancement - Option to change color, background, padding, border for button.
* Added - Header Builder component - Search.
* Added - Option to change search input color text and background color.
* Added - Option to change search icon color.
* Added - Header Builder component - HTML 1.
* Added - Option to change HTML 1 color, link color, font size, margin.
* Added - Header Builder component - Widget 1 and Widget 2.
* Added - Option to change Widget 1 and Widget 2 title and content color, link color and typography.
* Added - Header Builder component - Social.
* Added - Option to add new social icons.
* Added - Option to change all header row container width, height, color, background, padding, margin, border etc.
* Enhancement - UI/UX improvement in toggle, select, slider, radio-image, sortable, editor, typography, dimension, navigation and color control.
* Added - New customizer color Palette.
* Enhancement - Introduced reset to default option in all control.
* Enhancement - Customizer color picker.
* Enhancement - Customizer background control.
* Enhancement - Customizer Typography control.
* Added - New Footer builder.
* Enhancement - Introduced a new visual Footer Builder with drag and drop functionality.
* Added - Footer Builder component - HTML 1.
* Added - Option to change HTML 1 color, link color, font size, margin.
* Added - Footer Builder component - Widget 1, Widget 2, Widget 3, Widget 4, Widget 5, Widget 6 and Widget 7.
* Added - Option to change Widgets title and content color, link color and typography.
* Added - Footer Builder component - Menu 1.
* Added - Option to change Menu 1 color and typography.
* Added - Footer Builder component - Social.
* Added - Option to add new social icons.
* Added - Footer Builder component - Copyright.
* Added - Option to change copyright color, link color, typography, margin.
* Added - Option to change footer column for particular row.
* Added - Option to change all footer row container width, height, color, background, padding, margin, border etc.
= Version 4.1.12 - 2024-09-05 =
* Fix - TG:feature post style 3 and 5 title css issue.
= Version 4.1.10 - 2024-07-23 =
* Feature - Option to change mobile menu color and typography.
* Feature - Option to change mobile sub menu background color and typography.
* Fix - Header layout 2 style issue.
* Fix - WordPress 6.6 issue.
= Version 4.1.9 - 2024-07-11 =
* Feature - Option to change primary section widget title typography.
* Feature - Option to display/hide excerpt in TG:feature post style 3 and 5.
* Fix - Post navigation style 3 responsive issue.