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Code Profiler Pro

Code Profiler Pro 1.7.1 NULLED

= 1.7.1 (September 27, 2024) =
* Fixed a "Security keys do not match" error message that occurred when some object caching plugins were installed on the site. The profiler will no longer temporarily save the key to the database to prevent it from being cached by such plugins.
* Fixed a fatal error when profiling a child site on a multisite installation with WP CLI.
* [Pro version] : Fixed a bug with some row action links in the "Methods and Functions Performance" that were displaying "View function" instead of "View script" when the script was loaded either with the PHP "require" or "include" expression.
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Reactions: NullDude
= 1.7 (August 14, 2024) =
* The system information report includes now an AJAX API test to make sure the endpoint is accessible to the profiler.
* If the profiler returned a 301/302 HTTP redirection error message, the new location would be written to the log.
* Updated ChartJS.
= 1.6.8 (February 14, 2024) =
* Fixed an issue in the theme switcher where, in some cases, a child theme could throw an error because the wrong stylesheet was loaded.
* Improved the parsing of the backtrace when attempting to find which plugin or theme initiated a remote connection.
= 1.6.5 (October 5, 2023) =
* Updated Charts.js libraries.
* Fixed potential PHP error when calling number_format function.
* Small fixes and adjustments.
= 1.6.4 (August 3, 2023) =

* Added the possibility to send custom HTTP headers when profiling a site. See "Advanced Options > HTTP headers" in the profiler's main page.
* Several small fixes and adjustments.
* Updated Charts.js libraries.
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Reactions: DATANET
= 1.6.2 (May 20, 2023) =
* Fixed an issue where the execution time in the "Plugins & Theme Performance" section did not include any occurred remote connection.
* Updated Charts.js libraries.
* Updated FAQ and Help sections.
* Small fixes and adjustments.
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Reactions: DATANET
= 1.6.1 (April 22, 2023) =
* Added a hook to prevent a timeout if a plugin changed cURL timeout options (props @davidbawiec).
* Several small fixes and adjustments.
= 1.5.3 (January 10, 2023) =
* It is possible to edit the name of a profile by clicking the "Quick Edit" row action link below its name in the profiles list.
* Updated Charts.js libraries.
* Small fixes and adjustments.
= 1.5.2 (December 07, 2022) =

* Added screen reader accessibility to all 3 graphs (Plugins and Theme, File I/O, Disk I/O).
* The timeout of the profiler's process was increased from 180 to 300 seconds.
* [Pro version] : Fixed a bug where the file viewer couldn't locate a function in a script if there was a namespace declared, because it was looking for a method instead of a function.
* Updated Charts.js libraries.
* Small fixes and adjustments.