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ChainCity - A Complete Real Estate Investment Platform

ChainCity - A Complete Real Estate Investment Platform 2.0 NULLED

v2.0 - 27 January, 2025​

Updated Updated to new Admin v2.
Added Added a new Theme.
Added Improved Search Functionality.
Added GDPR Cookie.
Added FCM Notification.
Compatible Mobile App Compatible.
Added Mailchimp, Mailersend, Mailgun, Postmark, Sendgrid, Sendinblue and SES Mailer Option.
Added Twilio, Infobip, Plivo, Vonage, and Manual SMS Option.
Added Language Translate API
Updated Tawk, FB Messenger Chat Plugin.
Updated Google Recaptcha , Manual Recaptcha and Google Analytics
Added Admin can add, edit, or delete pages as needed.
Added Admin insert customizable section blocks within pages.
Added Manage Header and Footer Menu
Fixed Manage Section Content
Security Security improved and vulnerability fixed.
Refactored Website code has been refactored.
Optimized Performance optimized.
Configuration Changes in configuration files.
Docs Documentation updates.