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Calendarista Premium - WP Reservation Booking & Appointment Booking & Schedule Booking System

Calendarista Premium - WP Reservation Booking & Appointment Booking & Schedule Booking System 16.0.5

= 16.0.5 =
Posted on 23/07/2024
  • Fixed: settings in the availability repeat dialog were not saved (regression bug).
  • Fixed: round trip with time disabled end time when same day booking was enabled.
= 15.6.9 =
Posted on 01/05/2024
  • Fixed: security improvements and adherence to wordpress plugin-check standards.
  • Fixed: optional extras quantity now limits when using woocommerce and adding multiple appointments to cart.
  • Fixed: multi date and time range group booking issue.
  • Fixed: service modes with timeslots now no longer take into account slots count but just number of seats for full day.
  • Fixed: changeover days and group booking issue.
  • Fixed: optional extra increment quantity issue with full day on time enabled service mode.
  • Fixed: miscellaneous fixes and improvements.
= 15.6.7 =
Posted on 27/02/2024
  • Added: incremental optional extras now supports quantity.
= 15.4.3 =
* Posted on 07/09/2023

* Added: new option in services > map page to hide the map but keep the location.
* Added: thankyou/review us email via CRON job, that can be timed at any period after the appointment.
* Added: custom form fields can now be enabled for each seat. eg: selecting 5 seats can repeat each field 5 times.
* Fixed: confirmation email was sent twice when using online payments or woocommerce.
* Fixed: if your translations included quotes, this could break the appointments page in the backend.
* Fixed: if the customer name contained quotes, this could break stripe payments.
* Fixed: changed layout of the incremental input optional field.
* Fixed: timeformat in settings > general page did not save your selection.
* Fixed: search list timeformat did not apply the settings > general page time format settings.
* Fixed: upfront payment now calculates the discount by number of seats.
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
= 15.2.8 =
Posted on 25/05/2023
  • Fixed: public calendar was missing full date format hence the day view did not display the current date number.
  • Fixed: remaining seats message when using the multi date range mode always displayed the value 0.
  • Fixed: when using a service mode with timeslots and when all seats were out of stock, editing the appointment broken.
= 15.2.3 =
  • Posted on 04/05/2023
  • Fixed: regression bug introduced in 15.2.2 (new db field never got created).
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
= 15.1.0 =
Posted on 20/03/2023
  • Added: guests function to limit by seats can be enabled without group booking.
  • Added: extended group booking support to multi date range, multi date and time range, round trip, round trip with time and changeover
  • Fixed: synchronizing availabilities did not work correctly specifically when syncing half day/full day etc.
  • Fixed: when the repeat pattern was set to weekly, the calendar in the booking form worked erratically.
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
= 15.0.9 =
* Posted on 02/03/2023
* Fixed: changing the currency thousand and decimal separators did not apply in the email notifications.
* Fixed: changing the currency thousand and decimal separators broke total_amount_before_tax token.
= 15.0.6 =
  • Posted on 04/01/2023
  • Added: SMS reminders via Twilio.
  • Fixed: Omani Rial (OMR) was missing from the list of currencies.