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Brizy Pro

Brizy Pro 2.6.5 NULLED

= 2.6.5 - 2025-01-30 =
* Fixed: Images cannot be deleted from Media Gallery
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
= 2.6.4 - 2025-01-15 =
* Improved: Lazy load for Carousel element
* Fixed: Overlapped text on icons on Form and Login elements
* Fixed: Translate status messages in Form element
* Fixed: Instagram element is not loaded when Facebook element persists in page
* Fixed: Radio and Checkbox values are not send to Webhook in Form element
* Fixed: Hover color of custom icon in Menu element
* Fixed: Menu items alignment
* Fixed: Copy and paste styles from dynamic content text to simple text
* Fixed: Alt tag for featured image not working
* Fixed: Carousel dots in responsive mode
* Fixed: Input sanitization
### 2.6.2 - 2024-12-17
* Fixed: Page crash because of adobe fonts
* Fixed: Zapier integration
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
= 2.6.0 - 2024-11-12 =
* New: Added option to set number of columns for Carousel element on mobile
* New: Add a link to a checkbox in the Form element
* New: Set width in % and PX for column in Table element
* New: Instagram Feed element
* New: Added dotLottie and Media Library
* Fixed: Scroll Effect (MouseTrack, 3D Title) for PostInfo Element on Tablet/Mobile
* Fixed: Effects panel disappears when an effect is activated
* Fixed: Header block overlaps the add new block blue icon
* Fixed: Logout is not Translated
* Fixed: Gallery light box not working with animations
* Fixed: Form reCAPTCHA error on disconnect
* Fixed: Hamburger Menu
= 2.5.6 - 2024-11-05 =
* Fixed: Polylang compatibilty with Brizy pages
= 2.5.4 - 2024-09-19 =
* Fixed: The flipbox element is not working on Firefox
* Improved: Adobe Fonts Helper message
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
= 2.5.2 - 2024-09-17 =
* New: Multistep option for the Form element
* New: Flipbox element
* New: Table of Contents element
* New: Adobe Fonts integration
* New: Custom icons upload in Icon element
* New: Transform effects for elements
* New: Features for Lottie element (trigger options, lazy load and more)
* New: Search in Global blocks conditions
* New: Height and Overflow options for Embed element
* New: Ability to change order of rows in Table element
* New: Columns options for Posts element in responsive modes
* Improved: Increase Dynamic Content selection size
* Improved: Moved EmbedCode element to PRO
* Improved: Text decoration underline for Text element with Dynamic Content link
* Improved: Use original name for custom uploaded files
* Fixed: Background video size when persists Lottie
* Fixed: Twitter element has no default type
* Fixed: Close popup button in Image and Icon elements
* Fixed: EmbedCode font size in Story mode
* Fixed: Form select drowdown height
* Fixed: Carousel element change min and max values for speed and stop time
* Fixed: Post content elements typography styles with link
* Fixed: Update Lottie element in story items after changing lottie link
* Fixed: Broken space of Text element when is used DC as block type
* Fixed: Popup conditions (displaying multiple times)
* Fixed: Menu element does not display in category
* Fixed: Form does not work when recaptcha is enabled

1 August, 2024​

Version 2.5.1
  • fixed Placeholder terms links​

22 July, 2024​

Version 2.5.0
  • FIXED Rating element bug with tooltip for settings​

  • FIXED Bug with align for next post in PostNavigation​

  • FIXED Popup close button not showing in some cases​

  • FIXED Form margin not showing with radio type option​

  • FIXED Popup with MegaMenu z-index bug​

  • FIXED Bug when duplicating popups in some instances​

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Reactions: Viktor341