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Bricksforge 2.1.8 NULLED

Version: 1.0.8​

13. October 2023

Advanced Themer Compatibility Fixes​

Fixed an issue that caused various Advanced Themer functionalities not to work properly.


Pro Forms: Loading Icon always visible​

Fixed an issue that caused the loading icon to be always visible if the CSS Loading method is set to "External files"


Version: 1.0.6​

6. October 2023

Pro Forms: Added "Show Notifications in Builder"​

Now, you can style notifications even better showing them in the builder optionally.


Nestable Pro Forms: "Refresh Email Content" not working for Select Fields​

Fixed a bug that caused the "Refresh Email Content" functionality to not consider Select Fields


Nestable Pro Forms: Submit Button Style & Size not working​

Fixed a bug that caused the "Style" and "Size" Controls of the Submit Button not to work.


Pro Forms: Builder is not respecting field widths​

Fixed a bug that caused the builder to not respect added width properties to form fields.


Version: 1.0.5​

5. October 2023
Breaking Change: There is a new “Activate” toggle for the Customizer. If you use Customizer options for specific roles, you must explicitly activate them in the new version for them to remain in effect.

Nestable Pro Forms​

This is the new approach of creating forms. Pro Forms becomes Nestable and allows you to add form fields using related form elements. This way, you can build complex forms with a lot of flexibility. Important: This feature is experimental and should only be used in staging environments.
More: https://forum.bricksforge.io/t/pro-forms-becomes-nestable/


Pro Forms: Custom Checkbox / Radio Styling​

You're now able to style your checkboxes and radio buttons using the Pro Forms UI.


Pro Forms: Datepicker Range Selection​

You can now allow your users to choose between a range of dates


Pro Forms: Datepicker "Date Format" setting​

The datepicker can show a custom date format now.


Pro Forms: Datepicker Enable / Disable Dates​

With this new feature you can predefine some dates which should be included or excluded from the selection.


Pro Forms: Datepicker Enable Weekdays​

With this new feature you can setup the picker to only allow specific weekdays to be selectable.


Pro Forms: Datepicker Option "Show Visual Calendar"​

If activated, the form will show the visual calendar instead of the input field.


Pro Forms: Datepicker Language​

You can now set a language for your date picker fields


Added new form related WordPress Actions and Filters​

New Actions: before_submit, post_created, post_updated, post_meta_updated, user_meta_updated, webhook_sent, submission_created New Filters: allowed_file_types, max_file_size


Bricksforge Panel: Flexible Variable Syntax​

This new syntax allows you to output event data in a really flexible way. Example: {event:target:value} will render event.target.value.


Bricksforge Panel: New Action: "Send Email"​

With the new Bricksforge Panel Action "Send Email", you can send an email using Ajax and assign an Email Designer template you want to use.


Bricksforge Panel: New Action: "Update Option"​

With the new Bricksforge Panel Action "Update Option", you can update a new option to the database using Ajax.


Bricksforge Panel: New Action: "Delete Option"​

With the new Bricksforge Panel Action "Delete Option", you can delete an option using Ajax.


Bricksforge Panel: Added "Timescale" to Gsap Timeline Action​

With the new setting "TimeScale" you can set a time factor to change the timeline duration.
More: https://greensock.com/docs/v3/GSAP/Timeline/timeScale()


Bricksforge Panel: New Helper CSS Class to prevent FOUC​

A new helper CSS Class .brf-prevent-fouc as been added to prevent Flash of Unstyled Content.
More: https://greensock.com/docs/v3/GSAP/Timeline/timeScale()


Email Designer: Send Emails with PHP using templates​

The bricksforge_send_mail() function is a wrapper for the wp_mail() function which allows you to define an Email Designer Template ID.


Email Designer: Added Helper Function "getLocale()"​

The getLocale() helper function (Twig) will output the current selected website language.


Email Designer: Added "Copy ID"​

Added a "Copy ID" button to Email Designer instances.


Global Classes: Exclude certain classes​

Exclude classes from your code for which you don't want to create global classes


Pro Forms: Initial Value for multiple Checkboxes​

You can now set an initial checked state for multiple checkboxes using the following syntax: "checkbox1, checkbox2, checkbox3".


Pro Forms: ACF Gallery Field compatibility​

Pro Forms File Fields now can be used to add multiple images to ACF galleries.


Pro Forms Steps: Removed unnecessary margin-bottom value​

Removed an unnecessary margin-bottom default value for the element wrapper.


"PHP Class not found" Fix​

Breaking Change: Need to activate customizer settings


Pro Forms Steps: Settings from tab "Styles" not working​

Fixed an issue that caused styles from the "Styles" tab not to work properly.


Pro Forms: Fixed Loading Delay​

Fixed an issue caused the form having a small delay on loading
More: https://forum.bricksforge.io/t/forms-are-loading-within-delay


Pro Forms: Turnstile & hCaptcha Fix​

Fixed an issue that caused hCaptcha and Turnstile to not work correctly with certain server configurations.


Pro Forms: WooCommerce Add To Cart Fix​

Fixed an issue that caused the product to be not added to the shopping cart in certain situations.


Pro Forms: Textarea not accepting line breaks​

Fixed an issue that caused textarea fields to not accept linebreaks in some situations.


Bricksforge Panel: Scrub Value cannot be 0​

Fixed an issue that caused the scrub value not being able to be 0.


Parallax not working in Templates Fix​

Fixed an issue that caused the parallax effects not to work in templates like header and footer.
More: https://forum.bricksforge.io/t/parallax-in-templates/1143
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH

Version: 1.0.4​

2. September 2023

Pro Forms: Added "Alignment" control for groups​

For groups, you can now set individual settings for the alignment of your form fields.


Bricks 1.9 Compatibility Fixes​

Compatibility adjustments have been made for Bricks 1.9.


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Reactions: iWao and DiscO

Version: (Hotfix)​

26. April 2023

Bricks Beta 1.8 Fix​

This version fixes a bug that caused the new Bricks Beta 1.8 to not display the newly added items for some users.

Version: 0.9.6​

24. February 2023

New Element: Pro Forms​

Pro Forms includes all the features of the native form and extends it with additional useful capabilities. Among others: Multi-step forms, new Form Actions, Submit Button Conditions.


New Element: Scroll Video​

With this element you can create impressive scroll video animations - without any encoding requirements.


New Element: Option​

This element lets you easily output contents from the database (options table). If a value does not exist, you can specify a fallback.


Panel: New Focus Mode​

The Focus Mode has been added to the Bricksforge Panel. In this mode, Bricksforge settings are displayed on the left side and the Bricks Panels are hidden, so you can see much of the Builder Canvas. This is especially helpful for creating animations.


Conditional Logic for Event Actions Level​

You can now create conditional logic on event action level. This allows you to query elements that are added to the DOM later and were not there when the event listener was created. The UI has been adapted for this purpose.


Bricksforge Terminal: History​

You can now navigate through the terminal history with the "Up" key, as you are used to from command lines.


Backend Designer: Added Exceptions Functionality​

You can now exclude certain pages in the backend from your backend designer settings. This can sometimes be necessary for third-party plugin pages.


Backend Designer: Replace "Howdy"​

You can now replace the wording "Howdy" in the admin bar with your own.


Backend Designer: Pages as Dashboard​

You can now use pages for a custom dashboard, in addition to templates.


Custom Login URL (Backend Designer)​

You can now specify a custom URL for your WordPress installation. The normal login via "wp-admin" or /wp-login.php" will be prevented.


Panel: Ability to change the order via dragging​

For Event Instances, Event Actions, Timelines and Animations you can now change the order via Drag&Drop.


Panel: New Setting "Disable Float"​

The new "Disable Float" setting ensures that the panel no longer overlaps the builder. The height of the builder is automatically adjusted so that you can always reach the lower areas, even when the panel is open.


Event Instances: Custom Events​

You can now create custom Event Listeners. This may be helpful if you use plugins that offer you different events that are not available in the Bricksforge UI.


Event Instances: New Option "Delay"​

You can now set a delay for events and event actions. The action will only be executed after the delay has expired.


New Event Action: GSAP To​

With the new Event Action gsap.to you can quickly create animations that are not so complex that they need a timeline.


Active Status for Instances & Timelines​

A status has been added for instances and timelines. You can deactivate them now. Disabled instances and timelines are not executed.


Event Instance Actions: More Variables for the Custom JS Action​

You now can use these two new variables: timelines, getTimeline(id) This gives you access to your timeline instances and allows you to work even more flexibly.


CSS Variables for Animation Object​

For the animation object, the helper function cssVars() has been added. This allows you to use CSS variables for your animations. Syntax: cssVar(name, context)


Mega Menu: New control: "Close when leaving the nav item or the mega menu"​

Added a new setting that causes the Mega Menu to be closed in any case when the navigation element or the Mega Menu are no longer in contact with the cursor.


Bricksforge Panel: Page Persist after refresh​

When refreshing the page, the panel now remembers whether you are in the "Events" or "Timelines" tab.


Bricksforge Panel: Horizontal Scroll (UX Improvement)​

The Horizontal Scroll function has been added to the panel. This allows horizontal scrolling. You can determine the widths of the individual columns yourself.


GSAP Timelines: Reset Styles of not selected timeline selectors​

When you select a timeline, the styles of the elements of the other timelines are now reset to the default value.


Maintenance Mode: One Click Copy password protected url​

You can now copy the password protected URL with one click.


Backend Designer: Custom WP Dashboard Template Admin Bar was displayed​

Fixed a bug that caused the admin bar to be displayed in the custom dashboard.


Backend Designer: The buttons on the login page still showed the default blue color in Active state.​

Fixed a bug that caused the focus state of the buttons to still have the original blue color.


Backend Designer: Custom Dashboard Display Fixes​

Fixed a few issues that caused the custom dashboard to display incorrectly under certain circumstances.


GSAP Timelines: PIN Spacing​

Fixed a bug that caused PIN Spacing always to be true


GSAP Timelines: From / FromTo Bugs​

Fixed issues that caused animations for "From" and "FromTo" methods in the builder to sometimes not play.


Global Classes: Loading Fix​

Fixed an issue that causes the global classes to never leave the loading screen


Terminal Shortcut Fix (Windows)​

Windows users can now open the Bricksforge Terminal using the following shortcut: SHIFT + CTRL + T

